View Full Version : Breathing

11-10-09, 15:24
ive only recently started to get problems with breathing, i had the dizzyness, faintness n nausea n stuff like that but my chest wasnt one to worry me.

i started feeling alot better and then the breathing started to wrry me, ikeep feeling like i have to take deep breaths, and keep checking if im breathing ok and im getting myself so paranoid about it,that i nearly go into a full blown panic attack.

when i was younger i took a panic attack so bad that i couldnt breathe at all for a second and it pretrified me and i think that this might be why im so paranoid now, but why when i was starting to feel better?

feel like im back to square one and even worse because not being able to breathe is my biggest fear of dying.

sorry for such a long post...just think i need reasurance.

11-10-09, 15:52
hi your not dying its anxiety making you feel this way it affects everythig when breathing gets bad blow into paper bag ,,hope it orks try to stay calm

Tangerine Man
11-10-09, 16:46
Breathing exeecises have helped me. Very simple you just need to remember to do it when ever anxiety attacks. Sit or stand comfortable with your weight evenly balanced. Hold your breath and count to 6. Inhale while counting to 6. Hold your breath while counting for 6 and then exhale whislt counting for six and then repeat as necessary. After a few cycles this nearly always slows your heart rate and reduces panic with no side effects and you can even do it in the middle of a meeting in the office with no one noticing you. You just need to remember to do it.:hugs:

11-10-09, 16:50
Hi there,
By not breathing properly you are stopping oxygen from going to the brain thus resulting in feeling dizzy...Its all down to anxiety...try not to think too much about your breathing if you keep dwelling on something it wont go away...I get what you get randomly but try to take my mind away from how im breathing..I know it can be very frightening but nothing will happen to you. nice slow breaths and as gypsywomen said blowing into a paper bag can help..you really need to calm yourself as if you get very anxious the dizzyness will come again too...The bach rescue remedy has been mentioned alot on posts here I use it myself quite alot as i sometimes get anemia which makes me feel very breathless...go to boots and buy some.. just a spray into the mouth than nice slow calm breaths im sure it will help you...good luckx

11-10-09, 21:26
Hey nineteen, I am the exact same as you. I had an asthma attack once where I literally couldn't get a breath in and since have developed this breathing anxiety thing and it can seem scary but just keep reminding yourself it's a symptom of your anxiety and not anything else. What helps me is breathing excersises. Stand straight, put your hand on your stomach and breath in through your mouth, feeling your hand rise. Then hold for 2-5 seconds and slowly exhale, feeling your hand lower, then repeat.

Good Luck.


13-10-09, 18:30
Have you read Hyperventilation syndrome by Dinah Bradley - it will explain everything.
This is my main symptom when I'm anxious and I've suffered it for years. It leads to all kinds of horrible aches and pains etc.
Read the book - its very good


13-10-09, 18:41
I second what Judi said. I haven't read that book (will check it out, thanks!) but I definitely suffer from hyperventilation syndrome - when I'm not aware of my breathing I take short, shallow breaths and the result is I get to feeling lightheaded.

Because I was a heavy smoker (cannabis) for 15 years I worry about my lung health and capacity, but the truth is that slowing down my breathing always seems to help when I get to feeling lightheaded.

In addition to the other suggestions, what works for me is to breathe in and out on a 7/10 count, in for 7, out for 10.

There are lots of different techniques for gaining better control of your breath - have you tried yoga?