View Full Version : Passed out at work!

Purple Fish
11-10-09, 17:43

I`m worrying at the moment after an incident at work on Thursday.

I cut myself on some glass after clearing up something I`d dropped. Since I was a teenager (I`m now 36) I haven`t been good when it comes to having to deal with my own blood or anyone`s I`m close to. I have come over queasy and clammy in the past over things, yet I can watch anything medical no matter how gory on the TV!!

Anyway on this day at work I passed out and they called on the community paramedic! He took my blood pressure and asked me a few questions (once I had come round) and then gave me a copy of his report before I was sent home. According to the report my blood pressure had dropped on his arrival and my heart rate was `racing`.

I asume this report will be sent to my GP and I have a routine appointment with him this Thursday as I am taking Prozac for PTSD (which I am currently being weaned off).

I can`t help worrying and thinking about what happened. What if there is an underlying cause? I didn`t feel 100% the next day just very drained although I feel alright now.

Do you think I should try to get an earlier appointment?

Tanya x

11-10-09, 20:38

It will not hurt for you to get an earlier appoitment but I can assure you if anything was wrong they would have admited you to hospital love.

Hope everything goes well, let us know what your doctor says.


11-10-09, 21:17
If you're really worried then there's nothing wrong with bringing your appointment forward, even if it's just to get that extra reassurance. The paramedic would have taken you to hospial if they felt there was something wrong. It's quite common to feel drained after a stressful event so don't worry too much :)


Purple Fish
12-10-09, 08:34
Thanks for the replies!

I tried ringing the doctor`s this morning and I can`t get an appointment with my own GP today or tomorrow as he`s away. As I`ve got one on Thursday anyway I might as well leave it until then.
I`ll let you lnow how I get on.

Tanya xx