View Full Version : Whats the normal heart rate??

11-10-09, 18:27
I have a heart condition but have never been ill with it but it is the cause of my health anxiety cos i am scared to death that it has got or is getting worse i have it checked every year and last year the doc said there was no need to come back for 2 years cos he wasn't worried about..

I was wondering though what is the normal heart rate ??? mine is about 80 sometimes just over or just below, please tell me this is normal...I know my heart complaint might make it beat a little faste cos it does have to work harder...

11-10-09, 18:33
I think average is 72 , but healthy adult range from 60-100

Tachycardia is a resting heart rate more than 100 beats per minute.
Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute.

Goin on that info - id say your rate is pretty damn good.

11-10-09, 18:45
very good heart rate:hugs::hugs::hugs:

11-10-09, 19:43
Thanks for the reasurrance x

12-10-09, 16:39
Your heart rate is perfect. I had the same worry as you, my heart rate is always somewhere between 70-90 and when I asked the doctor he said it was a perfectly healthy rate.

If your doc said to come back every 2 years about your heart condition I would be happy, it means it isn't at all serious. I know it's hard not to worry but trust your doctor. If there was even the slightest chance that your heart condition would worsen then there is no way your doctor would tell you to get it checked every 2 years. Hope you feel better! :)

12-10-09, 21:06
Thanks Ella Jayne,it does make me feel better but sometimes then my mind runs away with me x x

12-10-09, 22:43
I understand your concern over pre-existing heart conditions. I am no Dr. (and no I don't play one on tv ...lol), but I do have a heart condition. My heart used to race to over 263 bpm before I received my surgery. I have a condition known as PSVT (or premature superventricular tachycardia). I had an ablation procedure that was fairly successful and now (about 10 years later) I just have to be cautious about things. To my knowledge the normal resting heart rate for a healthy/fit person could be anywhere from 65-80 or so. It really depends on the person and their individual health issues. Slight things like a smoking, colds, food or whatever can increase or decrease the heart rate. I hope this helps and I wish you much happiness and good health always.

13-10-09, 09:43
Anything over 100 after a good ten mins of relaxing rest would be the time to see a GP.

As for the lower end, super fit athletes have resting rates of below 60, so that end of things is a different kettle of fish to determine.

13-10-09, 09:52
Went to see my doc couple of weeks ago and checked my heart rate , 80 like yours and the doc said it is normal -:)