View Full Version : New to NMP and Venlafaxine

12-10-09, 00:09
I'm new to NMP but not to panic attacks and depression. I have been suffering with both since December 2004. I have just been prescribed venlafaxine after taking 45mg of mirtazapine for the last few years.

The first three days on venlafaxine weren't pleasant, but I understood that once this period was over then I should feel some changes and I would once again begin to sleep at night. So far this has not happened, in fact, the nights are worse than they were on mirtazapine, at least then i got some, if only a little sleep. Has anyone else had this with the venlafaxine. i feel as though my heart is skipping a beat, and have all the symptons of the full blown panic attacks i'm used to are still there, not as bad, but for a much longer period?

i don't know what to do, should i ask to be taken of the venlafaxine, or is it worth persevering with it, please someone tell me that the tablets are effective and will soon alleviate the symptons.

Any comments would be grateful as i feel as though i am going mad, i feel as though i have gone back to December 2004 when all this started for no apparent reason.

Thanks for your help and it is wonderful to see a website like this one, just knowing there are others out there who feel the same or at least some of what i am feeling is a great help.

12-10-09, 00:11
Hi Strange1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
12-10-09, 08:08
:welcome:to NMP. I am not familiar with this med but hopefully someone else will answer your question. You will find comfort and support here.
