View Full Version : Freaking out over new symptoms, help please!

12-10-09, 06:03
Not only am I twitching like crazy all over today I keep having this really abnormal feeling in my legs, it feels like a little patch of my skin gets really really tight all of a sudden and just feels flat out strange, it gets tight then feels like cold chills or something? I am panicking!

12-10-09, 19:35
dont panic, u knw thats the worst thing u can do.

just tell urself 'No im not gonna let this bother me' do ur breathing etc.

we all know that the symptoms r purely due to anxiety. i get new symptoms after months of not having them n some others disapear, suppose thats just the way it goes.

12-10-09, 21:38
I have had weird symptoms like yours for over 20 yrs and I do not have any neurological disease and have been tested inside out for them believe me. I can get a feeling like my leg is a tuning fork - it hums in pulses! I get the sudden ice cold water trickling down my leg - my leg muscles twitch unbelievably - I get the something large with million legs crawling up my legs and patches lasting 24 hrs that feel like a really bad burn if you touch the skin.
Had 6 brain mri in last 10 yrs plus other neuro tests and nothing all normal.

One thing I was told by someone with ms is that you lose function if you have ms or any other nasty neuro problem whereas our symptoms are purely sensation but no loss of function.

Hope this helps to know you are not alone