View Full Version : I'm new and in need of some help!

12-10-09, 10:31
Hi all,

This will be long but I need help!!!

I have recently been experiencing severe anxiety and A LOT of panic attacks and its been doing my head in! I'm 21 and have experienced this before (about two years ago when I was at uni) but it seems ten times worse this time and I feel like I am becoming agraphobic. Since I have finished my degree I have been unable to find a job and have been stuck at home all day every day which really doesnt help. I have been trying to go out even if it is with someone but I still feel very distressed when I am away from home.
This is not my only problem. I have also developed a lot of health anxieties and last night I couldn't sleep because I made myself believe I was going to have a heart attack!! I always make myself believe that I am ill even though I know it is just the anxiety.
When I overcame this last time I had a lot of things in life to distract me but now I just cant concentrate on anything so it is hard to control my thoughts.
I have been trying everything to make my lifestyle healthier as it was getting quite bad before which is I think why the anxiety started again (I drank quite a lot and smoked what seemed like hundreds of cigarettes a day!) I have been trying to eat healthily, take vitamins, cut out caffeinated drinks apart from tea, exercise at least 5 times a week and only have one or two glasses of wine at weekends. (I have cut down on the cigs substantially too!)
I feel so trapped in my head and I havent had a day in about a month where I havent felt very anxious. I have been to my GP who has reffered me to a counceller type person, I have only been once but it didnt really help.

Anyway I have got that off my chest now! Any support of advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

12-10-09, 10:33
Hi laura23

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-10-09, 10:38
keep going with the councillor it will take time to get to the underlying problems and find a way for you to deal with it. Good luck

12-10-09, 17:38
Hi Laura23 - welcome to the site. It is really great to be able to come here when you are feeling panicky and know that you are not alone!!!! I know it must be really frustrating to have worked so hard at uni and now not being able to get any work. Have you tried getting some unpaid work experience? My son did this (and actually they did pay him) and stayed for a year before moving up to London (and now Oz). Most of all, be kind to yourself and know that it will pass. Take care x

12-10-09, 17:50
I have done a bit of work experience but that has ended now. Have got a temporary job lined up at Boots for christmas but I dont start until November and I really dont know how I am going to be able to do it if I stay like this....

12-10-09, 17:51
Hi Laura23,

Sorry you can't get a job but you just don't know what's around the corner! There's lots of people on this site who are feeling or have felt exactly like you do and you'll get lot of help on here. This anxiety will all pass in time. The fact you've cut back on cigs, alcohol, trying to live a healthy life sounds like you're struggling to feel better. You're only human! Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't struggle, try to accept that for the moment you are anxious, accept this, and eventually you'll feel better.
Take care

12-10-09, 17:51

I agree with den68 - keep going with the counselling. It can take a while to 'get used' to your counsellor and know that you can tell them anything and they won't be shocked or tell you to 'snap out of it' (as if you haven't tried that?!)...they're there to help you help yourself.

I also agree with jillyb - i had depression 4yrs ago (suffering from health anxiety and depression now) and found voluntary work really beneficial. You're not tied into a contract so there's little pressure but it can help you get work and will keep you busy. I did three mornings a week at a primary school and loved it.

Good luck and rest assured, you will get better. x

12-10-09, 19:44
Hi Laura

Welcome to the site I think you will find some good support and advice on here.

Take care


12-10-09, 21:05
I too am 21, and am going through my second battle with anxiety. If you ever need to PM me to talk, please feel free to do so. I hope everything goes well with your job search. Stay strong, and be positive.
