View Full Version : feel so ill and drained constantly

claire m
12-10-09, 11:00
I have suffered with anxiety and depression for a long time now but at the beginning of august i had a viral illness and was totally wiped out for weeks i have felt like i have never really recovered from it, i have had blood tests and chest x rays and ecgs and everything has come back as normal.
my whole body aches and i feel sick alot the doctor says its anxiety and tension i am currently having cbt too.
the thing is i never felt like this before i had the virus even when my anxiety was bad then, so i cant understand why i am feeling like this now if the doctor says it is anxiety.
everyday i feel so weak does anyone feel this way? is it anxiety? i just dont know anymore:weep:

12-10-09, 11:06
i feel lifeless with no energy and feel physically ill most of the time at the moment. I cant seem to find the energy to do simple tasks like ironing. I keep getting virus on top of virus. Doc has told me its because im so anxious all the time and put me on meds. I know what its like its awful but i do think its anxiety that causes it

12-10-09, 11:28
I was the same claire, docs put it down to post viral fatigue, got a bad virus in july, docs didn't know what it was, made me dizzy, couldn't eat and tired all the time, only these last few weeks have i felt alot better.

so maybe it is post viral fatigue, it can apparently affect u for 3 months after the initial virus.

chin up, u've had all the tests, just gotta give it some more time, plus your anx / depression will probably make it last a little longer, i reckon mine did.

sarah jayne
12-10-09, 12:34
Ive been ill since july, i got really bad food poisoning and its been one thing after another since that. I havent had a day where i feel well in over 3 months, at the moment ive got another tummy bug, ive had it since last sunday, it just seems to be going on and on and on.....
Your not on your own x

12-10-09, 12:54
I can totally relate, when I wake up I usually think whats it going to be today foro nearly the last 10 weeks?

Somedays I have nothing wrong with be but if I feel any twinge off I go obsessing what I could be and when I do have muscle pain which I do right now Im worrying what it could be and start to feel like I have an upset stomach and get tired and become unfocussed in work.

Im also on Lexapro from my anxiety 5mg the lowest dose which make me feel 'meh' a lot of the time in work so I can only imagine what I will be like when I step up to 10mg in a couple of weeks.

12-10-09, 15:17
:flowers: Know how you feel - I feel the same also - always tired and just can't wait to be in bed. My husband despairs with me he just doesn't understand. He thinks I 've gone to be early because I'm in the mood!! I ask you that's the last thing on my mind. He keeps telling me I'm not normal that I shouldn't be so tired all the time - yet he doesn't want to understand why I feel like that or doesn't offer any help. I really don't like him very much at the moment!!!!! :mad: I have enough problems without him causing me more - I know he loves me in his own way but he just will not accept that depression is an illness and that I need help not criticism. HHHEEEEEEEELLLP!!!!!!!!:weep: