View Full Version : Panic attacks similar to this?

12-10-09, 15:42
Okay, so i've started getting serious palpitations, like butterflies fluttering in my chest. It's one of the scariest things i've ever experienced. Every time I get it it comes randomly out of the blue and I end up feeling sick and like i'm about to faint and panicking like heck. I don't know if what i'm having is a panic attack or if there's something physically wrong with me? Last night was so bad I almost ended up in A&E. After the fluttering and panicking I usually end up with uncontrollable, violent body shakes, probably caused by adrenaline I should think.

I went to the doctor today and she's going to do blood tests and an ECG but she thinks it could be panic attacks i'm having as i've been under stress lately. I always assumed panic attacks meant breathlessness and chest pain. Has anyone had anything similar to what i've described? I am really worried.

thanks in advance xx

12-10-09, 15:59
What you describe are classic symptoms of a panic attack. The shaking is a carryover from the attack. It is a freightening experiance, hence the shaking. The panic attack is not dangerous and is only maintained by the fear of having another one. Try not to worry about these as acceptance of the fact that there is no danger involved is the key to getting rid of them. Do continue to see your doctor so that the diagnosis can be confirmed. Good luck.:)