View Full Version : Anyone housebound? What about Dentist?

12-10-09, 16:14

Is any housebound agoraphobic having problems with their teeth? If so what do you do? I haven't been to the dentist for about 25 years!! My teeth and gums are in such a state that I can't eat anymore. I have drs appt late today and I will tell him but I have told them before and they say there is nothing they can do! That I have to pluck up the courage to go!!! My gums bleed everytime I brush my teeth, I'm in such a state about everything:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:


12-10-09, 16:22
if you tell Doctor you need your teeth some come to your house ,or ring n h s direct to find a dentist that does home visits

12-10-09, 17:18
Hi Elspeth
Just wanted to say Sorry you are feeling as down as you do.
As Gypsy woman said too, there are dentists that make home visits.
Your gp should be able to put you in touch with the local community dental care team who should be able to give you more information about dentists that can make home visits.
I hope you get the help you need. :)

12-10-09, 17:35
What a shame Elspeth. Especially if it is affecting your eating. I agree with what poppy and gypsy said, there'll be a community dentist in your area and they can visit you at home. Ask your doctor's surgery or local health centre for details about how to get referred. Hope you get sorted out soon.

12-10-09, 17:37
p.s. and don't worry about not seeing a dentist for years, they are used to that!! Lots of people put off going to the dentist cause they're scared.:hugs:myra

12-10-09, 17:42
Hi Els:)

Like the others have said you can have home visits

I had to have 14 teeth out and my dentist arranged for me to go to NHS centre where they specialise in nervous patients

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-10-09, 22:08
Hi ev1

Thanks for your replies. My original reason for drs appt was because I was feeling so depressed and well................stuff I've never felt before (I won't go into it!!).

I don't really know why I bothered going! Drs never listen do they? They sit looking at computer, reading stuff from years before and don't listen to what your saying. You aren't gonna believe what he said to me. Ok, so I said "sometimes when I go to bed I hope I don't wake up in the morning cause I feel so bad, and then sometimes I'm afraid that I won't wake up because you never know what's around the corner, there's always hope, isn't there", he said "I WOULDN'T BANK ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!" What a thing for a doctor to say, so thinking that he was going to agree with me, I couldn't believe he said that!! Lots of other stuff that he said was weird, I'm a tell it how it is kinda person usually so I told him that he didn't like his job, and suggested he get another one!!

He knows nothing either about dentists that come out, told me look on NHS Suffolk PCT website, but I can't find anything on there. He also said something not very nice about what the counsellor had said (won't go into that either). Came out crying me eyes out, thinking if doctor thinks there's no hope, then what am I suppose to think??!! So am no better off having gone thre, prolly worse off cause of what he said!!!

Shower of ****s the whole lot of em. I don't go to drs very often for this very reason!!!!!!!!!!!:weep::mad::weep::mad:

12-10-09, 22:20
Hi ev1

Thanks for your replies. My original reason for drs appt was because I was feeling so depressed and well................stuff I've never felt before (I won't go into it!!).

I don't really know why I bothered going! Drs never listen do they? They sit looking at computer, reading stuff from years before and don't listen to what your saying. You aren't gonna believe what he said to me. Ok, so I said "sometimes when I go to bed I hope I don't wake up in the morning cause I feel so bad, and then sometimes I'm afraid that I won't wake up because you never know what's around the corner, there's always hope, isn't there", he said "I WOULDN'T BANK ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!" What a thing for a doctor to say, so thinking that he was going to agree with me, I couldn't believe he said that!! Lots of other stuff that he said was weird, I'm a tell it how it is kinda person usually so I told him that he didn't like his job, and suggested he get another one!!

He knows nothing either about dentists that come out, told me look on NHS Suffolk PCT website, but I can't find anything on there. He also said something not very nice about what the counsellor had said (won't go into that either). Came out crying me eyes out, thinking if doctor thinks there's no hope, then what am I suppose to think??!! So am no better off having gone thre, prolly worse off cause of what he said!!!

Shower of ****s the whole lot of em. I don't go to drs very often for this very reason!!!!!!!!!!!:weep::mad::weep::mad:

ps - Can anyone guess which drug he wanted to give me? Because the answer is so easy, I'm sorry I can't give out any prizes:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao ::roflmao:

12-10-09, 22:25
Please don't get stressed out about what the doctor said - he obviously hasn't really got a clue what it's like to have anxiety. Some doctors have a nice manner and others are hopeless. They don't know everything - although some of them think they do!! Don't let yourself get down because of his attitude. He has a negative attitude but don't let that rub off on you. You can get there!!
Take care

12-10-09, 22:41
Awww Els I am sorry your doctors appointment left you in tears. Some doctors seem to have absolutely no idea about depression and anxiety. It infuriates me. My son-in-law has had bouts of depression and his GP is dreadful too, he was in the depths of despair and the doctors advice was "go home and have a nice cup of tea".

I think some of the younger GP's have had more training in this kind of thing and are much more able to understand and offer support. Is there more than one GP at your practice, if so it may be a good idea to see another doctor or be referred to a specialist. If only I lived nearer I would come with you to the doctors to give you some support.

How is Sassy doing today? Is she settling in okay? She just looks so sweet.

Take care Elspeth


Sue xxx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

13-10-09, 02:57
Maybe you could phone a few local dentists and see if they make house calls or they may know of another dentist that does. I went for 15 years without seeing a dentist and the only reason I had to see one was that I cracked a tooth.

13-10-09, 08:53
There are alot of dentists who advertise home visits in my area so I can only assume they do it all over.
As for your doctor, they can be so insensitive, mine just wants to force feed me prozac! He thinks because I dont get out Ive GOT to be depressed...nothing further from the truth! I dont even bother with the doctor now and Im trying on my own to beat this thing.
Hope you find your dentist, take care.
Carol x

14-10-09, 17:25
hello elspeth
I wish i could help you, ive been so close to becoming agoraphobic and know how it feels, has your doctor referred you to have cbt at home? this is very helpful and might help you gain a bit of confidence, also do you feel panicky when someone is with you because if not im sure a friend or relative could accompany you. I wish i could do something for you, if i lived near to you i would help you take the first steps outside, and after a while things wont seem so strange outside once youve got over the initial shock. theres a fantastic book by dr claire weekes call simple treatment for agoraphobia, this book alone has cured people who have been house bound for over 30 years, you can order it from amazon or they might have it in the no panic shop. please message me if you need to talk, im training to be a cbt therapist and i can try and help you get through this as i know how it feels and i still have panic attacks. take care you will get through this :)

14-10-09, 20:28
That is terrible of your gp to be like. I am glad you said something to him and I am sorry you came out the surgery crying.
Is there another gp at the surgery that you can see?
My gp can be good some times but other times he is an idiot. I once told him I was feeling suicidal (long time ago) and he never even raised an eyebrow, never asked me about it, and sent me awaywith a prescription for valium! For all he was concerned, I could have gone home and took the lot and another gp told me once to go home and put my feet up !!!
Some gp's are good and others are just useless in my opinion - there to provide prescriptions and nothing more. It makes me so mad.
Your local community dental team should be in the phone book or on the net, however that said your gp should have got you their details.
Feel free to pm if you wish.
Hugs to you:hugs::hugs::hugs: