View Full Version : Lump in throat! I know I'm not alone...speak up!!

12-10-09, 18:32
for several weeks now, i have had a lump feeling in my throat that goes along with occassional pain in upper left abdomen (stabbing) and constant feeling of fullness and needing to burp........Did anyone ever have this and looked into it and found it to be all chalked up to anxiety? Or has anyone had it checked and found out you had a hiatal hernia or worse...

just trying to get some reality orientation

thanks a mil!!

----Jodi :shades:

12-10-09, 19:28
ive had a lump in my throat for a few days now, and its giving me such a headache and making me panic because i feel like im going to suffocate r stop breathing.

i feel so ill, but i knw its all down to anxiety and panic as its one of the 1st symptoms. its defo my worst so far, as ive had no sleep through worrying about it and that im gona stop breathing.

dunno wat else 2 do!!

12-10-09, 19:37
I've had that a few times before. It's called "Globus Pharyngeus" and is almost 100% a symptom of anxiety/depression, and can be accompanied by chest pain.

Check Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globus_pharyngis

Purple Fish
12-10-09, 20:00
I`ve had that in the past too! It`s definately stress/anxiety and mine only seemed to go when I stopped thinking about it!
Obviously this was when I was no longer anxious. Sometimes you can be stressed without even realising but your body still reacts.

Tanya :hugs: