View Full Version : Lump under arm?

12-10-09, 22:05
Woke this morning with a very tender arm pit, thought that i could feel a small lump. managed to see GP, who could not feel anything, said not to worry but return if tenderness does not get better.
Now freaking out and feel very scared..

12-10-09, 22:13
You've had it promptly checked out by a doctor who couldn't feel anything and said not to worry- I think this is a clear signal that you should do exactly that. Docs always tell you to come back if symptoms don't go away, as they rightly should! It doesn't mean there is anything untoward. Your GP is obviously not concerned.

I get tender arm pits very occasionally, I think it is when I am dehydrated or sometimes it's a spot that hasn't come to the surface (we can get very sweaty under there so spots are common) and our bodies have lumps and bumps all over the place which are meant to be there. Please don't worry- what feels like a lump to us sometimes docs can't even feel because they know it's normal xx

12-10-09, 22:14
Thank you sarah , your reply was very reassuring.