View Full Version : Newbie here ...

12-10-09, 22:37
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to introduce myself. Here's the scoop...laying all my cards on the table for you: I'm in my late 30's and no stranger to anxiety disorders. I have developed a lot of OCD as of late and it's really causing problems. I've become quite terrified of meds, chemicals and allergic reactions. Not a good combo for someone who has had so many severe reactions to food that I am waaay too thin now. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

12-10-09, 22:39
Hi summergirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
13-10-09, 00:21
:welcome:Welcome summergirl you will find comfort and great support here.
