View Full Version : Hello everyone

12-10-09, 23:39
I have just joined the site a matter of minutes ago, having been reading the forum over the last (somewhat difficult & uncomfortable) weekend.

I am a 25 year old male who has been grappling with anxiety/panic for approximately two years now. I manage to hold down a job, one that involves interacting with the public on a daily basis, and have a wonderful girlfriend and family (those are the things I can be happy about). Unfortunately, my anxieties/fears seem to be on the increase, and my attacks becoming more regular - my journey to work is becoming tortuous, and I have found myself having major flare ups at work. I also auto-suggest myself into a frenzy, so at my lowest moments my condition causes me to think that the aforementioned job, girlfriend and family will become fed up with me and I will end up with nothing- this , from a detached perspective is irrational, but it is a line of thought that is plaguing me at the moment.

Anyway, I will be contributing more to this forum, on specific issues relating to living with this (eg accessing medication & CBT, attitudes of employers in your experiences, and coming off alcohol, which I use to pull through certain scenarios, even though I know I shouldnt), but for the time being I just wanted to say (a rather lengthy) hello!

12-10-09, 23:40
Hi Joelondon

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
13-10-09, 00:03
:welcome:Joe London

Glad that you have joined us. This is a very supportive place.


13-10-09, 09:42
Hello & welcome JoeLondon

this forum is a great community where you will find a lot of support :hugs:
Take care

13-10-09, 13:51
Hi JoeLondon,

Firstly, Welcome :)

Secondly, thanks for sharing your experiances. A huge well done on managing to hold down your job (i'm struggling greatly in that regard, so i'll snatch hold of any positive!)

All the best :)


13-10-09, 18:37
Thanks for the replies guys. Glad to have found the site

13-10-09, 18:55
Hi Joelondon,

I joined a long time ago but have just started tonight funnily enough to start looking through it all and post myself as its been a bit of a struggle myself to talk about things.

But from what I can see there is a lot of support on here which is really great and alot there are people on here who are in the same boat which again helps lots!

Good Luck and take care,

Remember positive aspects about yourself and things that have happened when you start to panic. CBT really helps too!!!

Laura xxx