View Full Version : Ringing in my left ear.

13-10-09, 09:59
Hello there.

About three months ago I had tonsalitus. Once the antibiotics were done, my throat became really sore and my glands behind my ears felt puffy. Both ears were ringing a high pitch sound. this all happened on a weekend so on the monday I went to the doctors and my glands had gone down. I told him about my ears and he said they would clear soon.

Sure enough that day my right ear felt like it was switching on and off and popping and it cleared. But my left ear has never cleared and I still have this high pitch sound that has got louder. Three months later I complained again to the doctor who reffered me to ENT. I had my hearing test and the doctor told me my hearing was fine although I did find it hard to hear the high pitch sound in my left ear. that was because I couldnt tell the difference between the noise she was sending me and the noise i have in my ear. She said she did not think anything sinister was going on.. my ear inside was clean and shiny and there were no growths but she said she is referring my to the nose and throat section. Thats scared me. Whey she sending me there??

14-10-09, 00:18
Could be labrynthitis a harmless but worrisome complaint which is a side effect of an ear infection, it is fluid within the ear, no treatment for it except time, usually goes away in about 6 - 12 weeks :-)