View Full Version : Feeling really down today

13-10-09, 10:11
:weep: Feel so low today - just want to walk away from everyone - if I vanished would I be missed . . . Pull my socks up get on with my life there's nothing wrong with you - grow up don't be stupid - I can't help the way I feel. :weep:

13-10-09, 10:18
tell me about it. Im lucky in away as my husband trys to help, but my mum has always something to say get back to work, get on with it everryone else does etc etc

13-10-09, 10:50
Hi MandyLou
You helped me last week when I felt a similar way to how you are feeling now, and I just wanted to walk away from everything...your words really helped me, so I hope how you feel soon passes for you.
I had a bad week but feel better now, so I hope that although you are having a bad day that hopefully you will have a better day tomorrow or the next.
Its so awful when we feel the way you are feeling. I know that feeling too well and it seems nothing is going to improve and that I just want to walk out on everything, but you know that how you are feeling will pass within the next few days, even though you don't feel that at the time.
Just take time to be kind to yourself - treat yourself - whilst you feel as you do.
Keep posting because I know that last week when I was really down that this site and all your supportive words kept me going.
Hugs to you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-10-09, 10:57
:weep:Thanks PoppyC - I'm just so afraid of making a really bad decision about my life that I will regret. When I feel like this I want to leave my husband and live on my own and be independent etc, but then when it passes I can put up with everything. At the end of the day my hubby is a very good man - he doesn't drink, spend money, abuse me but he is just so boring and he never finishes any job he starts and he takes no interest in the children. He doesn't help around the house and he doesn't help taking them to their various out of school activities. He sits on his computer every spare moment he has - he even eats his meals at his computer. I have to speak to you lot at work as it's the only time I can get on the computer. When I say something to him he just sits there and shrugs - it makes me want to hit him physically and verbally. But at the end of the day he is a good man. When you read threads from DesparateDan who just wants a good steady loving relationship I feel guilty. Can you love someone but not be in love with them? I don't know what to do? :weep:

13-10-09, 11:47
Hi Mandylou,

The other day I posted about lonliness and worthlesssness and you replied, so thank you. When I'm feeling down, (I know its more than that but dont know how to describe it) I too can almost resent my family, hubby goes to work, even son goes to school (though he hates it) and i'm stuck at home. I doubt you dont love him anymore but probably, if like me, are not feeling much anyway, its hard enough to get through the day let alone complicate things with feelings! Also I sometimes find that because I see my hubby every day and he's supportive, trie to say right things etc, I have trouble believing what he says! Poor guy cant win! When down I think our minds change and focus on the bad stuff, I feel like my brain has almost been re-wired to the negative points, and no positives are connected anymore. If it helps I feel slightly better after 2 very down days. And as you reminded me there are a lot of similar people on here and lots of people to talk to. If you want to please PM me at anytime and I will get back to you.
Take care

13-10-09, 14:34
Hi again MandyLou
When I am feeling really down, I question my relationship constantly, and yet when I feel fine, then the relationship seems fine. I think it is maybe how we view things when we feel down. If you were genuinely unhappy in your relationship, I think you would feel unhappy with it even when you are not feeling down, if that makes any sense? :wacko:
Your husband sounds like he has a lot of good qualities.
Do you work? or have any interests? Something just for you? which will help with you feeling independent to an extent in the relationship?
I can also feel that everyone in the whole world is against me when I am down and yet when I feel good, I really don't care.
I know how men can be (not all men though before I get a backlash off the men on the site! :winks:) My boyfriend can sit endlessly watching the Dave channel whilst I am having a breakdown in front of him. It drives me nuts and it is so frustrating!!! I want him to sit up and pay me some attention.Some men just don't know how to deal with women when they are upset.
Have you tried explaining to your husband about how it makes you feel when he is constantly at the computer? and that you would like to eat together and spend some quality time together.
Don't accuse him, blame him or shout at him,but explain to him what you would like to change and if he sits and shrugs then carry on talking as he will be listening. I know it may sound a bit odd but could you write him an email or a letter telling him how you are feeling? Failing that - try not to make any hasty decision whilst you feel as down as you do as you may come to regret it.
I really hope you feel a bit happier soon. :flowers:

13-10-09, 15:58
Hi Mandylou,are you currently on any medication?And if so,how long have you been on it?I went through a particularly bad patch recently and my doc changed my anti-deps cos he thinks they may have conked out on me.Maybe approach your doctor,though I know none of our situations are the same.I hope you soon feel better.

Best wishes, Fishy

14-10-09, 03:35
if I vanished would I be missed

Yes!....I'd miss you...Poppy would miss you...and many others I'm sure you've helped with your words of comfort and support!:flowers:

He doesn't help around the house and he doesn't help taking them to their various out of school activities. He sits on his computer every spare moment he has - he even eats his meals at his computer.

I cook, I wash up, I clean, I do the washing, ironing and sewing, I do the majority of jobs around the house, I do all the jobs in the garden, I'm the taxi driver, I take the dog out, feed the pets and visit and care for my mother.....and I find time to watch TV, listen to music and spend time on here.....even if everything does take me up til 6am every night.

No, I'm Not saying how good I am....I'm just saying that both partners should treat each other as their NO.1 and Their happiness should be of paramount importance or you could never blame one of them for getting fed up with having to to everything with no love, help or support no matter how "trouble free" the other partner is. A marriage or partnership requires teamwork in Every sense for it to work or a "verbal whip" should be used.:whiplash: Any questions?:shrug:

14-10-09, 09:16
:blush: Love the Miss Whiplash! Now I know why I joined NMP your words of support are very comforting. I just wish I could let my husband read your post and see if it makes any difference but think that could be like watching paint dry.

I am actually feeling a bit better today - thanks to all my friends on NMP for your words of encouragement :yesyes: