View Full Version : Alternatives to caffeine??

13-10-09, 13:53
I'm not sleeping brilliantly at the moment, I've resorted to energy drinks to keep me awake in afternoon lectures despite the fact that I KNOW caffeine is one of my anxiety triggers, I don't know what else to do.

We have maths lectures monday afternoon, after lunch, in a room that's far too hot, with a lecturer with a very drony voice. Mid session pretty much half the students are head down on desk, asleep. We're covering some pretty tough stuff at the moment and I need to stay alert, but without energy drinks I switch off, and with them I'm sat on the edge of my seat, jiggling uncontrollably, heart racing, and instead of focussing on the lecture I'm focussing on controlling my anxiety. It's a lose-lose situation because I'm either too tired to concentrate or too anxious.

Anyone have any tips on how I can stay awake and alert without making my anxiety any worse or consuming huge amounts of caffeine?

13-10-09, 23:18
caffine gives me terrible anxiety too. maybe you could try eating something with a more natural boost like fruit or orange juice. or maybe even candy.

13-10-09, 23:35
try ginseng, its a natural energy booster and fights fatigue. I dont persoanlly use as caffeine doesnt seem to affect my panic thankfully, but I know it is meant to be a good caffeine alternative. Not sure what form is best to take it in but no doubt a quick bit of research will give those answers, good luck,

14-10-09, 00:01
im also one whos anxiety shoots up due to caffeine. starts giving me all sorts like funny head sensations Oo ive cut down quite alot on stuff like fizzy drinks and just drink them occasionaly.

14-10-09, 00:24

Can't promise it'll work for you but I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and find Korean ginseng (Siberian was a waste of time for me) and gingko biloba really helpful for maintaining alertness and concentration on the days I'm working.

14-10-09, 09:08
Fruit, fruit juice, ginseng :) cool I'll give it a try! Thank you everyone who replied.