View Full Version : beating this!!!

13-10-09, 14:02
Just wanted to post something to everyone, and hope it helps..
Ive been suffering from anxiety for two years and am finding it extremely difficult to cope as of recent. i am an 18 year old female, and can hardly do anything that normal teens do! posting lots of threads about things that i thought could kill me.. my recent one being about AA. I have met some lovely people on here, and everyone has replied withh such kind words and made me feel so much better about how i feel.
After reading replies to my threads on a friday night, i went on to the reading section on this site, and found a article writting by a hypnotist, and i could not believe how acurate this guy was. I read the full article (which took me about 5 minutes) and i was so relieved with what i read. I finally felt a tinge of relief and felt that i could do that, and that i was a strong person and wouldnt let this damn anxiety ruin my life!
Later that night when i went to bed, i remembered all the things written down, and it gave me strength in only carrying out 1 of my 4 OCDs that i do before bed.. i also usually worry about dying in my sleep and wonder if i'll wake up in the morning before sleeping, and nothing of the sort crossed my mind before sleeping. I slept easily, and nicely which hasnt been easy recently, and woke up in the best mood i'd been in for a good while.
I even went shopping and went to hang out with a friend, which i hadnt done in so long! when i eventually got home that night, my dad couldnt keep the smile of his face and explained that it was because he was so happy and proud of me, that i had eventually got through it so far, and felt strong enough to go out and do normal every day things. he even admited he didnt know who had answered the phone when he rang me that day because i had seemed so totally different... so happy. That night i went to sleep so happy, and it has lasted till today, and i hope it keeps on lasting! i am on propranorol at the moment, but took my last tablet sunday night and put in a repeat perscription, but am still waiting for my tablets, and even without i feel pretty good right now. I'm writting this because i want everyone on this site to feel as good as i do, and i KNOW how amazingly hard it is just to get out of bed some mornings and open the blinds because you just feel so nervous about everything thats ahead of you that day, but you CAN do it, and the effect you get from it is amazing. I strongly advise everyone to read the article, and i hope that i've helped just one person feel a little more stronger to beat this stupid anxiety. we CAN do it! anxiety isnt part of us, its a stage, and its a stage we can all over come!!!!

13-10-09, 18:03
You are so right in what you say and everyone can beat this damn anxiety it just takes some doing. I am happy for you that you feel so happy now as i know how good it feels when you feel like you are beating your thoughts. I go through stages how i feel but im working hard in beating my anxiety.

Keep feeling happy :D
