View Full Version : Hello

02-11-05, 13:41
Hi all,
My name is Terri Lynn and I'am a 35yo mom of two very beautiful children. I'am a nurse (LPN) and I'am working on my bachelor's degree in nursing, or at least I was until all of this anxiety came crashing in on me. Lately I've just spent alot of time in bed with the covers pulled up over my head praying that these palpitations and racing heart doesn't do me in. I have woken up as many as 4x per night with heart racing up to 170's. During the day my legs feel like jello and I'am so dizzy that I have to hold onto the walls just for balance. So the bedroom is usually where I stay. I guess I should explain what I think is the reason all of this is happening to me. Back in Aug. I hurt my back at the hospital where I work helping to lift a patient. I herniated a disk and had sciatic nerve compression, UGH!! Then one of my brothers (come from a family of six, very close nit) has been told that he has a mass in his lung that they suspect is cancer and are only giving him six months to live. He had throat cancer back in 2003 and with the help of the good Lord went into remission. Then the worst happened, just three weeks ago, my precious sister only 52yo died suddenly while sitting at home watching television. They think she had a massive heart attack. She practically raised me, I just miss her sooo much. EVERYONE who knew her loved her, she was one of the most kind and giving persons I know. Not to mention the fact that she literally spoiled me and my kids rotten always bringing us something but mostly just loving us with a passion.
On the same day we buried her my 4yo son broke two bones in his leg, jumping on the trampoline and is in a cast up to his thigh. So, life hasn't been the greatest, but I know it could always be worse. The hardest part for me is my 7yo watches me like a hawk and everytime I have a panic attack, she will ask, "Mommy are you going to die like my aunt Linda?" This horrifes me. What am I doing to her , mentally? I have to get help, if only for the sake of my kids. My dr prescribed me Xanax and Ativan to see which one helps, and neither really do .I'm afraid to take them most of the time, so when I do I only end up panicking worse. I'm sorry this is so depressing, but I really appreciate a place where I can get this off of my chest. It's hard for me to talk about to others because after all, I'm a nurse ,I'm supposed to be the one helping and caring for people. I'm supposed to be strong, right? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

02-11-05, 14:08
Hi Terri Lynn

Soooo sorry to hear about your lose.

Just want to say welcome to the site, you have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



When you fear something,,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

02-11-05, 14:20
Hi Terry

Firstly, welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here from like minded people.
I'm so sorry to hear about all the sad and stressdful events that have happened in your family recently, I'm not surprised that you are feeling like you are. It sounds to me like you are experiencing acute anxiety and I was in the same position as you 18 months ago when my hubby was diagnosed with cancer ( luckily he is now in total remission ). You have probably been very strong and supportive to everyone else as that is what is expected of us nurses ( I am one too ) and now your body is giving in to all the grief that is surrounding you. You don't have to be strong, you now need to start looking after number one, which is you and getting yourslf through this.
You will get through it I promise you, I am nearly there. My godsend has been this wonderful site and the people on it. Just reading other peoples posts makes you realise you are not alone.
I as unable to take medication as it freaked me out so I take vitamins and St John's Wort.
Have you tried any relaxation cd's, warm relaxing baths etc.
Exercise is also good for burning upi adrenaline, have a read of First Steps on the home page.

Hope this helps.
Take care

Elaine x

02-11-05, 14:40
Hi Terri,
Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some good friends. Sorry to hear of your sad loss and the bad times that you are going through. Remember stay strong, focused and positive hun.

Take cre
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

02-11-05, 14:42
hi terry welcome to the site ,iam sorry your having such a hard time but thankfully you found a good site with lots of friendly people who understand and care xxxluv mazzx

02-11-05, 16:53
Hi Terri Lynne,

I am so sorry to hear of your recent loss.

Welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some

new friends too! [^]

Take Care



02-11-05, 19:19
Hi Terri Lynn

Sorry to hear of all the upset and loss you have been through.

A warm welcome aboard here and I hope we can be of some help.


02-11-05, 19:48
Thanks to all who have posted. It's really good to know you are not alone with the panic. I'am just going to have to start focusing on the positive and less on the negative and every little twinge that I feel in my body. I'am a religious person so I've really had to do alot of praying and remember that God is with me and he said he would never put more on me than I can bear. Im holding to that promise. Does anyone have good information about meditation or a website that refers to this. I would really love to start doing that . It can't hurt. I hope to make alot of new friends here. I'll be more than happy to help anyway that I can.
Terri Lynn