View Full Version : Please help, need some reasurance :(

13-10-09, 14:07
ive posted about this before, but i just cant seem to manage it yet.

ive had it for 3days now and for those three days ive done nothing but cry. i cant sleep or eat. i tried going into college today but freaked out n had 2 go home and that was WITH taking a diazi.

the feeling of my throat being closed up and that im choking is petrifing me. im so scared il suffocate n not b able to breathe and its making me panic so much and then i feel faint and weak and nausea and all the rest.

can any of that actually ever happen? and will it? how many people have this ?

13-10-09, 14:19
:hugs:the short answer is - lots:ohmy:
This is called panic / nervous / scared / stressed:blush:whichever word you choose.
I can not think of the right wording?????? globus something.
I guess you are new to college??
if there was a secret survey among students for this today it would probably be about 75%.
Hope this helps
best wishes
PS: Globus Hystericus is the name of your prob

13-10-09, 14:48
its my second year at college, so i dont understand y its happening now:unsure:

i had the same thing wen i was about 10 and it lasted a year, then suddenly it comes back from nowere at 19. im going back to the doctors today but they will probably brush me off as usual. they gave me beta blockers last time but it felt as if they slowed my heart rate down too much n it felt weird, but im not even bothered much about the fast heart rate its this throat/ breathing thing i need rid of!

sorry for goin on about it, ive got myself so worked up over it i wanna jst go d bed n stay there :weep:

13-10-09, 15:00
i also have worry about college. i'm 18 and in my second year of college too.
Its difficult some days when u dont even want to get out of bed because of the thought. i am usually ok getting up and getting ready, its when i'm in the car on the way there and getting out of the car outside college which drives me crazy. for some unknown reason because there is not many crowds at college and when i am in class i feel tuns better, but the first thought brings me to feel like i'm going to be sick.
i did just post a thread saying beat it.... i hope if u read it you feel better after reading it.. dont worry, were in the same boat, but we can beat this feeling, not let it beat us!!!!

13-10-09, 15:12
:hugs:Nineteen - did you put Globus Hystericus into search??
There is a lot about this problem.
It really is a nervous thing.
it feels as if you can't breathe which will be scary - being scared makes you more tense:blush:relaxation is the key (sorry if you are fed up of people telling you to relax - i get very p****d off - BUT i know they are right:blush:))
There is lots of info on this.
2nd year of college?? even more stress - you now know how much work you have to put in:ohmy:
Best wishes
GAD may cause many unpleasant symptoms:

Trembling, twitching
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty breathing
Sweating, hot flashes
Change in appetite
Frequent need to use bathroom
Startled easily
Lump in throat, difficulty swallowing
Muscle tension
this list is from ""anxiety"" on the left of screen

14-10-09, 00:43
I get this so bad sometimes that I used topractice dialing an ambulance on my mobile phone so that I can do it if I am choking. Yes, I know it is crazy. Anyway, the only way I get around this is taking several very deep breathes and doing anything I can to distract myself until it passes. I was in a pub once with several friends and for no reason I started feeling like I couldn't breathe. I was too embarrased to say anything so I tried to let it pass. It did and I am still here. Good luck

14-10-09, 12:23
thankyou. although i had to come home once again from college today because of panicking about it, i didnt even last 5 minutes n class. wish i was able to calm myself down. i have to go to work tonight, and i hope im able to ignore it, but its constantly there and making me panic and i feel so ill as i cant eat. i feel like its never gonna go away