View Full Version : I'm a newbie looking for some advice!!

13-10-09, 14:41
Hi Everyone,

I've been reading some of the forums before deciding to join. I feel like this is a very positive, polite atmosphere, and I am happy to have found it.

I am 26yrs old, married and have 3 children. A 5yrs old DS and an almost 4yr old DD and lastly an almost 6 month old Ds.

This last pregnancy something triggered my HA. Its been a rough rollercoaster for about 7months now. Currently I've had a non stop headache for about 4-5 days and I cant stop worrying about it being bleeding in the brain, a tumor or something of the likes. I went to the ER on Sunday night and they said it probably is a migrane fueled by my stress and worry. NO OTC meds have helped so they gave me an injection to help the migrane. It did not totally take it away and I'm just so PETRIFFIED, I'm scared this headache might get worse or never leave, or its something serious. I think I might need some sort of scan to put my mind at ease. I feel just pressure around my head and a bit dizzy. Also it is the time of the month. My hubby thinks its the stress and non stop worrying, the time of the month that is causing these headaches. Right now I have pressure in my head along with dizziness.

I have a dr appointment this afternoon, hopefully he can reassure me.

Please any advice or comments will be very helpful to me right now.

Thank you


13-10-09, 16:22
Hi Ya

You will find lots of help here


13-10-09, 18:18

I can really identify with you. Although I did worry about things before, my HA really kicked off after I had my kids. I have been through the headaches as well and honestly, it will be down to stress and tension. I have had headaches in the past that went on for 3 weeks and I drove myself nuts worrying about them and just made them worse. Together with the dizzyness, I convinced myself that I had something serious going on in my head. Of couse I didnt and as soon as I turned my attention to another health issue, the headaches and dizzyness just disappeared.

I wish I could say something to make you feel better but you are really in the right place here. You will get tons of support and it makes such a difference.

Hope you got on ok at the docs. Remember anxiety causes all sorts of physical symptoms which 99.99999% of the time are nothing.

Take care

13-10-09, 18:34
Thank you for the replies. I'm one of the sufferers who has a difficult time even believing the doctors lol, I feel like did they do accurate testing, should I get a second, third opinion?

My appointment is later in a couple of hours. I really think the only thing that will ease my mind would be an MRI, really I must sound crazy!

I just don't understand this feeling, and how it wont go away with any type of medication.

I hate feeling this way. I feel so so hopeless and alone:weep:

14-10-09, 09:24
You dont sound crazy at all and you arent alone. There are many people on this forum with similar concerns. Many of us have had all sorts of tests to set our minds at ease. The problem is the more worry we add the worse it gets. We fuel it with worry and fear. Your not crazy and you will be ok. It will just take time. Just see it through.