View Full Version : Just Have to Get This Off My Chest

13-10-09, 15:33
Tomorrow is the day I'll be getting my chest x-ray and mammogram. I was a smoker for many years (quit 3 months ago) and now I'm terrified of having lung cancer. I'm so upset about this that I had to call into work and tell them I wouldn't be there. I don't know what to do with myself. My mind is filled with all these horrible thoughts and I'm nearly hysterical. I wish I knew how to calm myself down.

13-10-09, 16:51
Try to think about how happy you will be when the results come back fine. I know this is easier said than done. Maybe you can watch a funny movie or go shopping or something to distract yourself. I find that look over old posts on this site that relate to my current anxiety also helps. Regardless of what you do and what you find out from the tests, know that we are here to help. J2

13-10-09, 17:31

The answer Im going to give you is in no way suggesting that smoking is a good idea!!!

I had a chest xray recently and it was clear!!!

Ive been a heavy smoker for 31 years:lac:

Im sure yours will be fine...try not to worry:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-10-09, 17:45
Thanks so much for the replies, they really helped me feel better.

13-10-09, 17:47
had my mammo yesterday,,didnt want it this time around as i was very stressed,,but i made myself go through with it,,told myself its only a few minutes out of my day,,and if i didnt have it id be even more stressed wondering what if id not gone and something was wrong, so go get it over with,,and give yourself a big treat after,,mine was jelly beans,i,ll be thinking of you theresa x

13-10-09, 20:39
Thanks. That's the way I'm looking at it, if I don't get it done I'll still be worrying. I wish this was all over with and everything turned out fine.

13-10-09, 21:39
If you had lung cancer you would know according to my doctor!

So I am sure you are fine.