View Full Version : 1 step forward, 2 steps back!!

13-10-09, 16:45
Day 13 on sertraline i am still getting symptoms of anxiety, i have had most things from the shakes, chest pain to stomach problems, i am still however getting lack of appetite, and i am now suffering tight throat and excessive swallowing, on looking on the net (which is dangerous i know) this is usually one of the first symptoms. it just seems i have a good day and think i am getting through it then i get slapped in the face! i know i am not the only one who is in this position but just feels i am going mad, i hate not having any control over this. should these tablets be kicking in yet or am i expecting to much?

13-10-09, 21:35
think u need to give it another week atleast, from what i've read on this forum these meds take at least 3 -4 weeks to settle in ur system although i could b wrong.

Time seems to drag when ur feeling all these symptoms doesn't it? Hang in there, i'm sure things'll get better soon.

Tc - Gaz

13-10-09, 21:43
Hi Mel , I'm on week 6 of sertraline, just been up'd from 50mg to 100mg - I was the same have a good moment then get slapped back with anxiety, then have a good day then wake to be back at square 1. My anxiety went through the roof when I started sertraline - I was having panic attacks in the night and living a nightmare (brain fog most of the day). after about 3weeks the main side effects went but I didn't feel any better. I still now get head aches, tiredness and dry mouth that I didn't before I started taking them, but I have felt alot better in the last few days. Try sit through the bad side effects they should go - it is hard tho I thought I had totally lost the plot for a while when I started them and then just when you think you are getting better you get slapped back in the face with anxiety.
Try to see any good moment as a positive ./.. you may start with the odd moment, then a few then the odd day then a few and so on - but all the time your are getting better.

Sertraline can take from 2weeks to 8weeks to start to work in different people (according to the net) - I did ask my GP and he told me it was right it can take up to two months


13-10-09, 21:44
Hi, when I started sertraline I had virtually no side effect - maybe a slight headache, but I honestly didn't feel as though I was taking anything! This just makes me think that this med was the one I was needing. After 2 weeks I felt so much better. I woke up one morning thinking "why was I so anxious?". I tried another med and felt awful and came off. I don't know what to say about them really - I think different meds are for diff people. It's trial and error.
Take care