View Full Version : Thrush (one for the ladies)

13-10-09, 18:20
I have only had thrush once or twice in the past, can't remember how I felt really so thought id ask here.

I started feeling a tad sore down below yesterday, then I woke up this morning and it all felt a little swollen (I have some lumps/scar tissue from my babies) and red. Throughout the day it got abit itchy, but ive done my best to resist itching. Then I noticed some like cottage cheese type discharge down there.

I have taken the oral thrush tablet and applied the thrush cream, but when I apply the cream, it stings abit, is this normal?

How long will the oral tablet take to work?

I feel so low tonight:weep:I have alot of stress at the moment, so this just is not what I need at the moment, I feel so rundown:mad:

13-10-09, 18:32
Hi it does sound like thrush to me the oral tab usually takes 24-48 hrs to work so you should feel some relief soon. Obviously if it doesn't clear up then you would have to go the doctors and they would most probably do a swab just to test exactly what it was. I would try not to worry to much though as I bet you are feeling loads better by the morning.

13-10-09, 18:42
Hi Aimee

Yup, sounds just like it, the tab will take a few days to work completely, and use the external cream to soothe, although i have to say with me it stings /burns a bit when it first goes on, but then its ok, leaflet says that is normal.
You should start to feel things improving very soon, i tend to get this too when i am stressed and rundown. be kind to yourself.

Good luck

P x

13-10-09, 18:58
Thank you.

I am suffering from extreme stress, as my marriage is breaking down. I have never felt so alone and rundown:-(

Thank you both so much. xxx

13-10-09, 19:02
I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage, it must be tough. All this stress causes our body to do all sorts of things. I know that i have had thrush in the past and it hasn't been nice, but i did take one pill that treats u in 24-48 hours. Don't use to many smelly products in the bath either, (like radox) they can upset us girls down their!!

I hope it all clear up soon, best wishes and hugs :)


13-10-09, 19:07
Definately sounds like thrush.. the stinging is probably as you had been rubbing the area where it was itching.. the canestan should do the trick.. if its no better or worse after a few days see a nurse at your gp practice. Hope you feel better soon.. Mand

13-10-09, 19:10
Thank you xxx

13-10-09, 19:33
Hi Aimee,
Sorry to hear about your marriage problems and the thrush can be caused by stress, or taking antibiotics and in my case too much chocolate! Ive found the best cure for thrush is to get some plain bio yogurt and slap it all over down under and if you have a tampon smother it in the yogurt and insert. Its very soothing and gets you back to a normal balance down below.
Take care,
Carol x

14-10-09, 00:54
Aimee- I am sorry you are having a hard time. It sounds like yeast :) They SUCK! I have never in my life wanted to brush down town until I had that...LOL. You can help this by taking acodopholis. This is good bacteria that will help fight the yeast. You can take it in liquid form (what I would reccomend since I have had success with it) and pill form. Yogurt has it too but you would need to eat a lot. You can get this from any natural food store. Good luck.

14-10-09, 02:28
how safe is it to use yogurt? I have always wanted to try but i was worried it would go bad inside me.
try using the Canasteen cream for thrush too to help with the itching.

14-10-09, 08:25
I've never had thrush but at least now I know the symptoms!
Im so sorry to her about you marriage... I feel alone a lot of the time... because i AM alone.... and I know its horrible... Just remember your not alone with anxiety. We are all here for each other.
Hugs and support.. x

14-10-09, 08:41
Thank you Rachel. xx

14-10-09, 08:52
:) Sorry to hear you are struggling with your marriage - know the feeling! Definitely thrush, however, I have suffered quite a bit with it and here are my tips:

Always wipe front to back whenever you go to the toilet
Always go for a pee after sex straight away - don't leave it
Don't wear tight synthetic clothes for long period - tights!!
Don't use perfumed feminine products including scented panty liners
Use natural yoghurt instead of the canestan cream - very soothing and corrects the balance of good bacteria
Drink plenty of cranberry juice to keep unrinary tract clean from bacteria
A hot water bottle sometimes helps or I have been known to sit on a bag of frozen peas in the past

What we don't realise is that the tampons/sanitary products we use are full of chemical/bleaches. I started using natural products from "Natural Collection" www.naturalcollection.com (http://www.naturalcollection.com) about 12 months ago and I haven't had thrush since. You can also get them from good health food shops - they just don't have the chemicals in them used to treat the cotton and make them look nicer.

Thrush can be very lowering and very uncomfortable but the tablet should work within 48 hours - you can also repeat the tablet one week later to really knock it on the head.

Take care and good luck.:hugs:

15-10-09, 23:41
Thank you for your help, you have all been great.

The tablet seemed to have worked, its been 2 days now. The discharge I had down below has cleared, when I look down there it has gone, I am just now still abit red and itchy at times. It just feels more itchy in the morning and at night.

Over the last day I have noticed when I sit down for abit then stand up, I have a feeling of warm fluid trickling from me down there. I look and my pad has yellow fluid on it? when I wipe it with tissue, its quite thin but also abit stretchy?? is this normal with thrush?? the cottage cheese type discharge had gone today.

I am abit worried and anxious about what it could be. Surely if its responded to the oral thrush tablet that is is just thrush. Just the gushing feeling is worrying me abit, I have had it 3 times today, after sitting for long periods of time usually.

Can anyone relate??

16-10-09, 15:48
Had a swab done today, have to wait now until wednesday. They thought it could now be a bacterial infection on top of the thrush. Lovely!
