View Full Version : Red mark on arm

13-10-09, 19:09
Sorry to post again, but ive 2 things going on health wise that are concerning me.

Today I was in the bath and I noticed a smallish raised purple mark on my arm, looked almost like a little blister. It looked like it had abit of a head in the middle, so I gave it abit of a squeeze. Nothing came out but since then its gone abit smaller and not so raised.

Been freaking myself out its skin cancer, It wasn't there yesterday, just appeared today.

Can someone please make me relax???? ive never had anything like this before so im worried:weep: Suffering from extreme stress at the moment, as my husband and I have separated, this is really kicking my anxiety off today:weep:

14-10-09, 07:25
Hi, There are a million of things it could be. Insect bite, pimple, blister, allergy etc................... Just leave it alone and im sure it will go away. As I am aging ( im 36 ). The amount of changes to my skin is alot for me to deal with. I had a mole cut out the other day and have been terrified of the results. Turned out fine. The doctor has been great with my anxiety and told me we get more blemishes, moles, spots as we age and to try and not worry so much. Its normal. You will be fine. :))))))))

14-10-09, 09:05
Thanks Adelle.