View Full Version : Irrational Thoughts

13-10-09, 20:09
Hi Everyone :)

Just registered and hoping to meet some nice people !
I suffer with Anxiety, and im taking Citalopram.
At the moment, i'm having irrational thoughts about Food,
which is really stressfull !
I have never had Food allergies, and lately, i'm convincing myself
that i cant eat certain food's, as i will have an allergic reaction.
I dont know where these thoughts are coming from ?
i feel like i'm going a bit mad !!
Please help ?


13-10-09, 20:32
Hi emmajayne72,

Anxiety is a very strange feeling, it takes over quickly and can be hard to control - it sounds like you will soon have it under control with the Citalopram, well done for making positive steps to fighting how you feel.

I can't give you and advice on irrational thoughts about food as I suffer anxiety around people instead of food, but I know anxiety is really frightening at times. Give your Citalopram time to work and then you will feel calmer to look deeper into why you are feeling the way you do. Try not to overthink about it too soon, if there are some foods you are ok with stick with them and keep your strength up, dont burn yourself out.

Feel free to PM me if you need a friendly chat. Hope you feel better soon.


13-10-09, 20:45
Thankyou Chris, for your kind advice :)

21-10-09, 20:43
taking drugs will soon make you tired.and then your body will need another drug.no use.going off the drugs after this make you better but you may not recover.you need to be very careful when coming off them and doing things that are good for you will get rid of these irrational thoughts

21-10-09, 21:42
Oh my goodness, I really understand how you are feeling. I also suffer from anxiety and convinced myself some time ago that I was allergic to peanuts and then this spread to all nuts!!!! I avoid them now, but I can now eat things that 'have been made in a factory that uses nuts'. Its a real pain .... all those lovely foods I used to eat and now this stupid nonsense! I wish I could take an anti anxiety pill but I think I might be allergic to them!!! Good luck to you fighting this xxx