View Full Version : dizzy, and scared

13-10-09, 21:30
hi everyone had gad for 18months now and on new meds, pregabalin 75mg which been taking for nearly 4 weeks now and take lorazepam when needed feeling really light headed and dizzy also feel sick and scared anyone had same feelings
thanks guys.

13-10-09, 22:00
for past 2 years everyday since started with anxiety i have had it but dont take antidepressants so cant comment on your meds sorry ,if you go to search box and type in the med you are on it will find people who have taken it dont worry love

13-10-09, 22:21
I'm dizzy and light headed right now. it's not nice, it scares me.
happened today in town.
I think some of it is because I'm low on Iron. So my doc gave me some good Iron tablets.
make sure your getting enough of all the vitamins.
maybe try that omega 3,6,9 supplement that Boots do. being low on omega 3 can cause you to feel anxious.
you could also get your doc to check out your ears, sometimes ear problems can cause you to feel off balance.
hope you feel better x

14-10-09, 10:44
I've been on pregabalin for four weeks now-its makes me really dizzy too although thank god its passing a little bit now. Anxiety can make you dizzy anyway as I'm sure you know. If your the tinniest bit dizzy from the new medication your own anxiety is likely to amplify those feelings and make it worse.

I know its hard but try to accept if for what it is and hopefully the side effects will pass soon. Are you taking 75mg once a day? Thats a very low dose do you find its helping you with your anxiety? I've just moved up to 200mg after four weeks on 150mg. Cant really say its helped with the anxiety really at that dose.

On a positive note a have a friend whos relative was in hospital because of servere anxiety and depression which she had for the past 7 years, they've tried every drug known to man to no avail. They were taken off of all their meds two months ago and put on just pregabalin, they are now feeling better than they have done for seven years!!! This gives me hope that it will work for me and hoperfully everybody else on here who has tried it.

I think they key is to increase it very slowly so your body gets used to it - I know its naughty but I've been tipping a little bit out of each capsule daily so I can slowly build up with each dose increase. When I told the doctor they were not happy said I had to stick to recommended doses. They're not the ones who have to take it though.

I really wouldnt worry about taking pregabalin, it seems to be quite safe and I choose it over the evil (in my opinion) SSRI's anyday, all they did was make me worse!

14-10-09, 19:51
thanks guys thats great help and advise, just dealing with pains in my chest now and just below my left rib cage . If its not one thing its another.
Wish you all well.

sarah jayne
16-10-09, 09:40
I started pregabalin last night and had the best nights sleep ive had in ages but my chest feels very sore this morning im wary of taking another. Has it helped you yet ?
sarah x