View Full Version : hey peeps :)

13-10-09, 23:37
Hey all :)

Just like to say ive already had a look at this site and its helped my anxiety quite a bit. Im 19 and have started having anxiety/panic attacks for about several months now. I used to be a bit anxious before but not as much as i feel now. It all started when i was smoking cannibas, and that triggered a panic attack. At the time i didnt know what was happening, i was getting really sharp pains on my left side and my heart was beating really fast. I was thinking something was up with my heart. Although it wernt symptoms of a heart attack i was still a bit panicy. After a while the symptoms went but i couldnt sleep to well that night, i was constantly clutching the left side of my chest.

The following days i started getting little tingly sensations on the left side of my chest and was thinking something must really be up as ive never had these before the other night. So one night im on the laptop in my bed and this is probably goona make you lol but i did the following:
1. Opened up firefox
2. typed in google
3. typed in heart problems
4. clicked on a certain website
5. started reading all this scary stuff
now at the time i didnt know what anxiety was/what a panic attack was or any of that.
Anyway after reading all the stuff..guess what? Hmm whats this..wierd sensation in my chest..huh chest is getting tight..chest feels tingly..started feeling a sort of numbing feeling in the back of my left shoulder.
I quickly got up, and started freaking out, i quickly rushed to my mums room and said IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK.. although she didnt seem convinced lol but still i told her to call the ambulance so she did. So i was took to hospital scared out my mind thinking somethinks up, i had tests done and everything but it all turned out fine. They said it was anxiety and i had a panic attack. Even after being told everything was fine i still thought something was up with my heart and had been dealing with this constant checking my pulses, obsessive thoughts on these chest pains for a few months. After going to the hospital again and visiting the doctors several times i finaly calmed down a bit and dont usually check or worry about little pains in my chest any more. I dont really get them anymore either. However, as like many of you..when one symptom goes, another flares up. Ive been starting to worry about brain tumors ect due to these wierd head sensation and aches.
My current symptoms at the moment are:
-Weak aching legs
-Red eyes(not really worrying me now since its gone down a bit
- headaches and sensations
- face sensation
- neck spasms
- some back pain
- seem a bit offbalance/might just be my weak legs tho
theres several other symptoms like lil pains now n then in arms but im not to worried about it.
After all these symptoms i keep thinking my days are numbered lol >.>.. anyway going doctors tommorow to speak about these new syptoms :(

One thing i must say anxiety has benefited me in is leading a much more healthy life style..ive stoped the cannibas, ive stopped smoking, and im eating alot more fruit and started going gym but still whenever i go gym i try not to overdo it cos i still think somethings up with me and i might make things wrose >.>.

Anyway thanks for your time if you read through all this :P and i hope i get to know you all :)

13-10-09, 23:44
Hi TimD

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-10-09, 00:22
thanks :flowers:

hope everything go's well for u 2moro! :) xx

14-10-09, 14:01

I have similar health anxiety problems and am currently working with my doctor. He's put me on tablets to help anxiety but part of me (and quite a large part of me!) is worrying that in treating the anxiety and related symptoms, they're overlooking something more serious that has similar symptoms. Not unusual I'm sure but it doesn't help me!

Let me know how you're getting on.

14-10-09, 15:43

Doctor put me on a low dosage of citalopram for this anxiety but i realy dont want to start on medication :(. As for my offbalance sorta feeling, doctor said i might not be eating enough :|. Its kinda true ive cut down on all sorts of different food since my anxiety started but somehow i dont believe this is the cause :(. I dunno.. im goona try have a more balanced diet.

Other than the offbalance and head sensations, ive been pretty ok.

14-10-09, 18:31
hi tim i also started suffering anxiety after smoking cannabis thats how it started suffered the same symptoms as you but getting better all the time you dont realise how dangerous the stuff is...annabanana i was terrified my doctor was also over looking something more synister and i was actually dying but i was wrong and after reading alot of post on here it seems like its a common feeling try not to worry to much its very very rare doctors miss underlying health problems

14-10-09, 19:40
Hi Tim,

I have had anxiety/panic symptoms on and off my whole life (I'm now 30) and used to use cannabis quite a bit when I was a teenager. Panic is a strange beast and coming to terms with the many symptoms it can throw at you can be difficult.

Having had a very stressful 12 months with my dad getting cancer amongst other things, I have found that my heart has started playing tricks on me too. I find this tends to exacerbate the feelings further to the point whereby the cycle of panic and fear is on a constant loop.

But I am beginning to understand the connection between my body and my mind. A good nights sleep and laying off the caffeine/alcohol can work wonders on giving you a break from the physical effects.

The off balance sensations you are describing (often described as like walking on the deck of a ship) are usually related to hyperventilation. People like myself who suffer with anxiety from time to time tend to over compensate on their breathing patterns and as a result you can take in too much oxygen which gives a giddy/light headed feeling. Breathing into a paper bag for a minute or so can help balance out the CO2 in your blood stream and get rid of this quickly, if not immediately.

Understanding the mental conditioning that you have programmed your mind with is also vital and the best book I have read that explains this in clear, calm english is Claire Weekes' 'Self Help for Your Nerves'. Get this book, it will help!

Anyway I wish you all the best and hope that you can conquer these feelings. Going to the gym can be a great help so it's good to hear you're doing this. Keep it up :)

All the best bud,


14-10-09, 20:04
thanks for the replys, it makes me feel much better that there are others with symptoms just like me. Im also going though the what if the doctor missed something phrase.

Thanks for the tip gigan, ill certainly take a look into it :)
Thanks again for replying all and hope all goes well for you :)
