02-11-05, 17:38
Hi there.

Ive had really bad chest pains (Slowly getting worse for about 5 weeks now) and have just been cleared by the cardiologist for anything major wrong with my heart apart from ectopics.

The chest pain has got worse. I havent slept for 3 nights, cant eat and feel just terrified. It is like a stabbing and aching inbetween my breasts and underneath them like in the rib cage. I lie awake at night, with pain and ectopics just wondering when it will finally get me!

Anyway, dragged myself to the GP today and she examined me. My sternum was large and tender and she thinks I have some kind of acid problem ..... does anyone else have bad heart like pains with acid? Ive never suffered heartburn or that kind of thing, but have read up on it and it can go with MVP .... something called GERD. Anyway, she has givem me some special tablets and gaviscon (pain still there!) and if it is no better on Friday she wants me to have some urgent tests - endoscopy and ultra sound.

Just wondered if this sounded familiar to anyone .... I would be so grateful coz this is really making me feel terrible. The anxiety is the worst it has ever been. When I am ok I am such a bubbly and happy person and now I have just gone downhill.

Also when I try to sleep I kind of get an electric shock feeling in my head which wakes me up ..... god knows what this is ..... is it all ANXIETY? I did take a benzo last night but it didnt even help.

Any feedback and advice would be so much appreciated.

Thank you for listening to me and reading my post.


02-11-05, 18:02
Dear April

I know exactly what you're tslking about. It appears from the reading I've done that fears can get trapped like bad memories in our gut and cause all kinds of strange behavior. It takes time for belly to harmonise with the mind.

I was having really bad reflux and heartburn mostly at night, which was not only causing much anxiety but also depriving me of sleep and peace of mind. I took Prilosec for 2 weeks and that helped to quiet the condition.

As well i discovered a natural remedy.

Before bed I drink a hot cup of Apple Cider Vineger Tea which is:

HONEY (to make it pallitable)

The flavor takes a little getting used to but it has become a ritual with me.
If you can get the unfiltered organic kind of CIDER VIN. it's better. (for taste reasons)
I think that it neutralizes the acid in the stomach so that when it gets released it doesnt cause so much discomfort and concern.
And of course you can drink it any time of day when needed.
Supposedly its good for the joints and detoxifies the blood as well.

I hope this helps.

and if you're interested there is a book called THE SECOND BRAIN by a Michael D. Gershon M.D. that contains lots of provocative information about a new understanding of nervous stomachs and so on.

02-11-05, 18:10
Hi Christian,

Thanks for your lovely reply. I will give it a go. Cant remember what the doc prescribed - its downstairs, but hasnt worked - how long does it take I wonder?

Did you get the chest pain though? I really didnt think I had a problem with tummy - mine is all around the heart department .....

let me know.

Thanks so much


02-11-05, 18:42

I used to get this a lot and the pain was unbearable. I had to call the doctor out on more than one occasion cos I was in agony and it was in the same place as you right in the middle of the chest.

I was told it was acid reflux as well and was prescribed Losec for it which is wonderful. What did they give you? It took about 2 days to take effect and then I felt loads better.

Apparently aloe vera is very good for it as well.

Try this previous post as well....

Aloe Vera - It's a miracle!!!!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4490)


02-11-05, 18:46
Hi April,

I had chest pains that went on for ages, grew in severity and type. Mainly a tense / tight feeling which started left side and eventually moved after a few months to all chest. Had occasional sharp pains also. Tingling and also pains down left arm and shoulder as well.

This gave me a fear of heart attack which became all consuming. I worked myself into a right frenzy. My stomach became churny after a while. A sort of churning under the lower ribcage. I lost 2 stones in weight.

The longest period of what felt like no sleep I had was for 7 nights.

When I did get some sleep I would often wake with this weird feeling like I was having an electric shock. My whole body felt like it was "buzzing" from the bones up. Often, if I was about to get some sleep I would wake with a kind of jolt/bang as I was about to drop off.

I feel ok now. This all started about a year ago and I was bad for about 6 months. You can get through it :)

Have a look around this site at previous posts. There is alot on this subject to reassure you.

You need to try and relax in some way. It will take time to come down from this level of acute anxiety. Accept this. I know how horrible it is and how hard it is to ignore it but you must at least try. I know I harp on about her but Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves" helped me loads. I used to refer to it almost hourly for reassurance. That was before I knew about this site though.

Good luck,
Trev x

P.S. DO NOT TRAWL THE INTERNET ON "CHEST PAINS" etc. etc. You need to work with your GP and accept that cure will come from within you. ACCEPT is the key really.

Sorry to ramble on, but hope it helps. Don't mean to sound like "do this, do that" either but unfortunately the way out is pretty simple but for most of us, certainly not easy. You can do it. :):):)

02-11-05, 20:21

Acid reflux can be what is commonly referred to as HEARTBURN. The esophagus runs past the heart. If you look at an anatomy book you'll see the stomach is tucked almost under the heart. Reflux happens when the opening to the stomach relaxes and acid comes up and burns the esophagus. This is obviously a malfunction of some sort. This opening is just under the bottom rib on you left side more-or-less.
Improper digestion (caused by anxiety and poor diet/lack of exercise perhaps)
can result in what we call GAS also which can be painful too. Do you burb a lot?
It cause pressure and if it can't escape (from either end) will cause considerable pain. Many people think they're having heart attacks when it just heartburn/indigestion + panic...
So to answer your question, yes I do get chest pain. It actually made me really depressed for a while, like life wasn't worth living with discomfort it caused.
That went away when I learned that I did have some control over those particular symptoms...

So mabybe when you realize its mostly the tummy you won't worry about your heart andf how you're going to collapse and die... and so to interrupt the viscious circle of symptom/worry/symptom/worry ad infinitum that makes your organs so unruly.

I should also add that I didn't have the problem so bad until I started taking an antideppressent which unfortunaely have this as a side-effect as well,
thanks to the vinegar its much more managable and i don't have to despair.


02-11-05, 21:21
Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement .... I will let you know how I get on with the anti acid pills.. but will also try the vinegar - I have a little book on how wonderful vinegar is ... it is a cure for so many things.

Thanks again for all your support .... sleep tight!

April xxxx

03-11-05, 16:40
Trev, im just writing to say i totally agree with you about Claire Weekes, she is so calming and knowledgable I would definately recommend her books to anyone with any type of nervous problem, she definately has helped me through.


04-12-06, 19:26
hi april well its funny now you say that you have those sorts of symptoms because for about 8 weeks or so ive had really bad acid reflux and now i guess it must have gone into my rib cage im seeing a gasrtologist next week etc.... but in the mean time ive really had to change a few things like diet etc.. iwould definately not take anything acidic it will only make things worsre belive me..... i take gaviscon and now obviously await my appointment but you should demand a referal with your gp and get it sorted out b4 the situation becomes much worse good luck.rememeber no acidic foods

15-01-09, 00:34
Hi, I am on 2 lansoprazole tabs per day and have had an acid problem for about 2 years ans i am still waiting for an endoscopy. one of the main problems i have is stomach pains from the acid build up every morning when i wake up. its like a numb pain which goes once im up and move around. also i have an extreme tiredness all day and my eyes feel especially tired. i find it hard 2 keep certain foods down and it is a hard condition 2 live with. the tablets did work at 1st but gradually the syptoms have come back. and even though i am very tired i find it difficult 2 relax and slepp at night, and then find it difficult 2 get up in the morning. the medication has effected my bowel movement so i eat well and take 2 doses or fibresure daily which has really helpped. i have had every blood test going but all came back normal. my mind will be at rest when i know 4 sure what is causing this, when i eventually get an endoscopy on the NHS (if they ever will!!). but until then it is making me very worried and pesimistic. does anyone have similar symptoms, such as the morning pains and tiredness?? x


15-01-09, 00:55
Hi there.

Ive had really bad chest pains (Slowly getting worse for about 5 weeks now) and have just been cleared by the cardiologist for anything major wrong with my heart apart from ectopics.

The chest pain has got worse. I havent slept for 3 nights, cant eat and feel just terrified. It is like a stabbing and aching inbetween my breasts and underneath them like in the rib cage. I lie awake at night, with pain and ectopics just wondering when it will finally get me!

Anyway, dragged myself to the GP today and she examined me. My sternum was large and tender and she thinks I have some kind of acid problem ..... does anyone else have bad heart like pains with acid? Ive never suffered heartburn or that kind of thing, but have read up on it and it can go with MVP .... something called GERD. Anyway, she has givem me some special tablets and gaviscon (pain still there!) and if it is no better on Friday she wants me to have some urgent tests - endoscopy and ultra sound.

Just wondered if this sounded familiar to anyone .... I would be so grateful coz this is really making me feel terrible. The anxiety is the worst it has ever been. When I am ok I am such a bubbly and happy person and now I have just gone downhill.

Also when I try to sleep I kind of get an electric shock feeling in my head which wakes me up ..... god knows what this is ..... is it all ANXIETY? I did take a benzo last night but it didnt even help.

Any feedback and advice would be so much appreciated.

Thank you for listening to me and reading my post.


You know it's funny you mention that when I was in highschool about grade 10, I was flat on my back for 3 months. I thought I was going to die. Honestly it was all the stress and everything my mother was putting me under. I couldn't go to school without her following me, questioning me, calling the school to see if I was coming straight home, or if we had a fight she would call the guide counsellor and MAKE ME TALK TO HER ON THE PHONE!! I couldn't deal with life. When I went into the caridologist that I have still now, he said it was because I was not sleeping and I had an inflamation of the chest wall. They gave me some downers but I was too afraid to take them. So I didn't take them. I battled it out on my own. But it was the worse 3 months of my life. He also said it could be reflux as well. I had to watch at all times what I ate.

09-02-09, 23:45

I can understand and relate to everything you said. I have GERD and the symptoms have had me hooked up more times than enough to ECG machines as I thought my heart was packing in. I was terrified of having an endescope the thought of it filled me with dread but I was only delaying the enivitable. I felt nothing having the camera put down as I opted for sedation. I have gastritis and a sliding hatius hernia which is so common. I take Esomeprazole 80mgs twice a day along with gaviscon - it has helped with the acid but still not into a sleeping pattern as yet. I still also take the chest pains but I have found the more stress im under the worse these get so im trying to keep the stress levels down - not so easy sometimes.

If symptoms persist ask the doc to refer you for an endescope its the only way you'll have peace of mind. :)

All the best - DeMac