View Full Version : only diazepam works scared to try trazadone help

13-10-09, 23:56
i have severe anxiety but mainly turned to agraphobia all that works for me is diazepam i take 2.5 mg 3 to 4 times a day but dont think that is enough my doctor rarely prescribes them so i find myself buying them have tried buspirone citlopram fluoxetine propranolol and a few others but so scared of needing to up my dose and becoming dependant on the valium as i am worried about coming off them but feel i need them to get through the day. doc has prescribed trazodone but i am so scared of trying yet another pill when i have one that works i am 23 and have 3 young children to look after and dont have time to feel anxios or ill from side effects. is anyone in a similar situation as me as i would love some advice please no horror stories as before this i was dubious of even taking a paracetamol. thanks xx

14-10-09, 00:00
Hi lc2613

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-10-09, 06:24
I've been taking trazadone for the last 3 weeks and it's so much more effective than anything I tried before (I nearly everything you have). I get anxious about taking the full 150g dose but more than happy to stick with the 100g as it's made a big difference to my mood. I have very little side effects although the first day I felt a bit woozy this passed really quickly.

Diazepam is highly addictive and I believe the longer you take it the less it will work so that's possibly why your dr doesn't want you to keep taking it- it's fine every once and a while but it's not meant to be taken every day.

10-04-12, 18:33
hi lc
are you taking fluoxetine and you have trazadone as well

10-04-12, 19:44
The problem with diazepam is all it does is mask the symptoms, it doesnt help with the actual anxiety. 4 a day is quite a lot, and as you say, your GP doesnt think you should be taking this many if they arent prescribing them.

Despite what some websites would have you believe, there is no legal way to buy diazepam in the UK, you can only get it with a prescription as it is a controlled drug. If you are getting them anywhere other than a pharmacy, you have no way of knowing what is really in them, what the actual dose is, what other long term effects it could have on you.

Really you need to come clean with the GP, tell them how many you have been taking, and that you want to stop, and get them to help you come off them and replace them with something controlled that they agree is the correct dose.