View Full Version : Please please help me! I can't take this anymore!!!

14-10-09, 05:02
I posted earlier on of having a bad headache for a few days. I went to the dr. today worried sick it might be a tumor or aneurysm. He did several tests saying he didn't see anything that I should be worried about and he didn't see the need for an MRI. He said I have a muscular headache.

I'm now at home just shaking can't concentrate, I feel so scared STILL, that I am doomed for an aneurysm. My headache is getting worse and I CANNOT RELAX.


14-10-09, 06:18
I'm sure your dr knows what he is on about. I'm sure if your dr had even the slighest thought that you may have something he would have packed you off for a MRI.

I'm not sure what a muscular headache means but my recipe for a headache is 3 asprin and a cup of peppermint tea and it works nearly all the time. Is it possible to maybe do something that really relaxes you like maybe a nice long soak in the bath or maybe even splash out on a neck massage if you can.

14-10-09, 08:21
I agree with Luci - your doctor would not have sent you home if he thought something was wrong. I know you feel scared, this is the anxiety, which is probably causing your headache. It happens to me with nausea, I feel scared of being nauseous, this is the anxiety speaking, which causes me to be nauseous.
Try to relax yourself and reassure yourself that your going to be fine and it is anxiety speaking. I use peppermint tea as well it is fantastic. I hope things get better.

14-10-09, 10:51
I agree. Your doc knows all the signs to look out for and if he had suspected anything at all he would have sent you for a scan straight away. Its just your anxiety getting the better of you and being so tense will make everything worse - I've been there.

I know its sometimes impossible to relax when you are feeling like this but somehow, if you can take your mind off things for a little while you will feel better.

Take care

14-10-09, 13:41
Good morning,

I thank you for your replies, my head feels somewhat better today, however I have extreme nausea and a weird taste in my mouth. I don't know if this is from the lack of food, worry etc. I also feel like I burnt my tongue and lots of burning throughout my whole stomach up to and through my nose. Also it feels like I've been throwing up all night (but I haven't)

I hate this, I HATE worrying about EVERYTHING that has to do with my health, and death.

What is going on with my body? How am I going to take care of my children?

I feel like a total failure of a mother and wife.

Sorry to carry on like this but I needed to vent.


What has happened to me. Will I get through this?