View Full Version : Tingling is back! Oh no! ):

14-10-09, 05:40
I've been having some left sided tingling for the past week or so, mostly on my hands and toes and it's starting to really get to me. It totally went away for a few days but now it's back only a little lighter this time. I know tingling is a common symptom of anxiety but I'm not even that anxious really. Just worried.
Surely if it was something like..let's say, a spinal cord tumor - it wouldn't just vanish for like 4 days would it? Help! :weep:

14-10-09, 08:51
ur pretty much spot on, if it goes away for 4 days it's highly unlikely to be serious, and yes another common symptom of anxiety, u say ur not anxious just worried? Worry is anxiety! Well in most part anyway.

Plus tingling is common in nearly everyone, anxious or not, when i got it o asked my dad if he got it and he does! But as he doesn't worry about it, it doesn't bother him.

Relax, just anxiety, try to stop worrying!

14-10-09, 12:22
I often find that my anxiety symptoms happen when I don't feel anxious. Anything serious would have been constant and possibly gotten worse so try not to worry.

Tingling sensations seem to be a symptom that affect a lot of us anxiety sufferers.

Hope it goes away soon

Mand :)

14-10-09, 14:08
Hi All,

I get the tingling too and am, I'm sure, equally worried as you! I was treated for plantar fascitis (inflammation in part of the feet) a few years ago and am used to some of my toes going numb when I drive for any length of time, but recently i've been starting think maybe that was a misdiagnosis and that perhaps it was an early warning alarm call. Crazy I know but I can't stop my negative thoughts!

It's nice to know other people are similar to me. My family and boyfriend are wonderful but having never suffered with anxiety and/or depression themselves (my sister has postnatal depression) they don't really get it! And I hope they never suffer...i wouldn't wish it on anyone.


15-10-09, 00:58
Thanks for the replies guys :) I feel much better now, woke up tingly but it's passed since then. My right arm just feels very strange today..like weak-ish? I swear it'll never end :doh:
Although I haven't been necessarily panicky lately I keep breaking out in hives which is how I know my stress level is through the roof, ouch! & Anna, I agree completely. It's so nice to know we're all not alone! I honestly don't know how much more I can take and I think it's safe to say I don't know how much more my family and boyfriend can take either :shrug: but like you, they have been great but don't really get it. They're only response is "You've been to the Dr. " "Prozac is in the cabinet" etc.
Atleast they try, huh? :D