View Full Version : Help Freaking Out, Lung Cancer

14-10-09, 08:35
I have had a cold the last few days that has had me coughing up yellow phlem and I have had the sticky yellow mucas in my nose. This morning I couldnt caugh anything up when I woke up but when was walking to work hacked a ball of phlem and it had a small amount of blood mixed into it. I remember reading that one of the signs of lung cancer is blood is the phlem and am freaking out now!

Can anyone help?

14-10-09, 08:42
panic, u know u've been coughing and u've got a cold, it's almost a cerainty that it's these, i know someone that died of lung cancer recently and they were coughing up vast amounts of blood and other things i wont mention.

It's just the cough and cold mate, but if ur worried see ur doctor but i bet they'll say the same