View Full Version : Reasurance please please please!!

14-10-09, 09:01
Had a heavy night drinking last friday and had a nasty hangover saturday. Went out for a chinese saturday eve and was sick in the night and didnt sleep much due to stomach ache.

Didnt eat Sunday morning but by the afternoon I was STARVING so I had a roast (yes, I am unkind to myself) and felt sick again afterwards. Also spent the afternoon on the toilet. I was given some tablets Sunday eve to stop the diarrhea and havent been to the toilet since.

I felt sick all day yesterday and have lost my appetite. Tried to go to the toilet again this morning but nothing and my stomach feels really tender to touch and is uncomfortable when I sit or bend.

What the hell is happening?????? really freaking out!!!!!!!!!!

14-10-09, 09:10
sounds like the tablets have had a strong effect on you, same happens to me, i take some and can't go for 3 or 4 days. And this could be making u constipated now which is why it's tender and when u sit etc.

I would go see a doctor tho just to get a physical, but take heart, your symptoms haven't been going on long so u might revert back to your old self over the next few days.

14-10-09, 09:30
It sounds like you have constipated yourself like Gazman has said. Maybe try some foods high in fibre or fruit or even a mild herbal laxative. I did this to myself once too and felt very uncomfortable for a few days.

sarah jayne
14-10-09, 10:11
Hi there are some awful stomach bugs going around at the moment, ive had one like you describe for 13 days now, im slowly getting better but it seems to be dragging on....x

14-10-09, 10:40
Definitely sounds like a combination of the alcohol and the chinese which have upset your stomach. It always happens to me when I have diarrhoea - I dont go to the toilet for about 5 days afterwards and my stomach feels really tender and sore. Also if I take any medication for the D, that also stops me going for days afterwards.

Thins will just take a little while to settle down so hang on in there and dont worry.

14-10-09, 12:15
Hi... yes i agree with above.. probably a stomach bug or something you have eaten and unfortunately the diarreah tablets have not made you constipated. These stomach things can make you feel so unwell but i'm sure it will pass within a couple of days. If not go back and mention you are still having problems to your doctor. Get better soon.

Mand :)

15-10-09, 17:11
Hi guys,

Just want to say a big thank your for your comments!

I have been today - 3 times in fact. Not much but its going!!!

Stomach is still fairly tender and i get a twinge every now and then.

Does anyone gte dizziness with it though?? Am worried that the toxins that have been sat there for days has does something to me?!?!?

15-10-09, 17:13
Dizziness could just be cause you are worn out with feeling ill after the last few days. Glad things are moving!! take care..

18-10-09, 18:31
Might be a chinese food hangover. Yeah its real it happins because of the amount of MSG that they put into there food. ive had it it wasnt nice im now sensitive to MSG.