View Full Version : Tight Chest, Breathing

14-10-09, 10:15
Does anyone suffer from tight chest? I see it listed as a symptom but am worried as my anxiety has been through the roof. I also have a dry cough alongside this feeling. Any reassurance gratefully received.

Face, Accept, Float, Let Time Pass

14-10-09, 10:47
I'm not sure whether you read my post, but that is exactly what is happening to me at the moment. I've never had it before as a symptom so it really worried me. But looking at the reply i had it is quite a common symptom.
I've also got a bit of a cold/cough at the moment, so originally i thought it was that that was the cause of the tightness. But i'm feeling like its more anxiety because it gets worse when I'm stressing.
I find it really bad just as i'm drifting off to sleep, which is strange because my body is relaxed then. It's not until i'm totally exhausted that my body finally gives in and lets me sleep and then i feel so much better. Today has been quite bad already though because i've been pretty stressed this morning.
I'm off to the docs in the morning and this is making me feel worse, cos i really don't like going to the docs!
Hope this helps you a bit to know you're not the only one suffering!

14-10-09, 13:08
Thank you emh

14-10-09, 13:40
I always get a tight chest but my upperback is even worse and its apparently from tensing all of the time, I actually catch myself with my shoulders hunched up.My anxiety has come back recently and the chest thing is really bugging me. I keep taking really deep breaths in the hope it will relax me. I also always feel like something is stuck in my chest. It is def a sypmtom of anxiety and whilst unnerving, more than likely nothing to worry about.I am going to the doctor next week just to let them know exactly what is going on with me lately and make sure these are trigerred by my anxiety rather than anything more serious. Always best just to get checked. But if there is no pain or anything I bet its just tension, your muscles are all tight.

14-10-09, 15:43
I suffer with both the tight chest and back ache which is awful - its been at its worst today, although on and off for a week. I am at the docs on Monday again just to check.

On Monday and Tuesday when I was busy I didnt notice my symptons so much but today at home and reading through the forum and online, I feel shocking and panicing about my health.

I do think its just really bad tension in my back and as someone mentioned sitting hunch up doesnt really help. Massage may help relieve some of these if you know anyone who can do it.
