View Full Version : Warfarin

14-10-09, 10:48

Im a year long health anxiety sufferer who has been feeling better lately until......

I experienced a heavy arm sensation a few weeks ago, the hospital consultant who has been great organised some tests (in light of a previous stroke about 15 years ago). One test shows a blood clot behind my right eye, but they think that might have been there for a while.

Anyway he has now put me on warfarin and the warfarin nurse has told me about side effects, such as nose bleeds, problems if you cut yourself, if you have a minor car accident go to a & e to get checked out because you could be bleeding internally there is a very long list. The one she saved to last though was the best - if I can a headache that I havent experienced before get checked out because warfarin can cause a blood vessel in the brain to bleed!!
My health anxiety is now back with a vengance - any ideas on how to deal with this



14-10-09, 11:02
Oh my. Anybody, whether they suffer from HA or not, would have panicked at that last little gem. I dont really know that much about it but my Dad has been on Warfarin for nearly 20 years since he had a heart attack and he seems to do ok. I'm sure that nurses and doctors will keep a close eye on you. They have to tell you the side effects but that is not to say that anything bad is going to happen to you as a result. Its the same if you read the leaflets that are in with different medicines, every possible side effect in the world is on there so I dont read them any more. Just think about the benefits of the warfarin instead of the what ifs.

Hope this helped in some small way.

14-10-09, 12:11
Hi... my ex husband has been on warfarin for ten years and from what I know the important thing is to go for regular anticoagulant checks to make sure you are on the right dose. As long as you you go for your bloods checks i'm sure you will be absolutely fine. Warfarin is a very commonly used medicine so try not to worry. I hope you start to feel better soon..

Mand :)