View Full Version : citalopram

14-10-09, 11:13
Hello everybody, I have just been perscribed CITALOPRAM and have been told of side effects i was wondering if anybody else is on them and if they had side effects? :) x x

14-10-09, 11:30
Hi Dominique

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-10-09, 11:55

I was on Citalopram last year - quite a low dose but didnt get any side effects apart from a bit agitated on the third or fourth day and then it was fine. They seemed to start working after about 2 or 3 weeks so be patient.

Hope this helps.

14-10-09, 13:17
Hi and welcome

We have a whole sub-forum dedicated to this medication so have a nosey around at the posts in there.

14-10-09, 13:17
Thanx for your reply, Ive started to feel a little dizzy and a little aggitated but nothing to bad or anywhere as close as what i have read about peoples side effects. Im not even sure what they are meant to be doing for me lol.:unsure:

Dominique x

14-10-09, 14:09
Well, you seem very cheerful so perhaps they are working already! Side effects vary from person to person and I've found that more anxious you are about them the more you will get...

Good luck with it! :)

14-10-09, 14:46
Thanx for your reply!! head feels a bit fuzzy but im sure it will pass. :) x

14-10-09, 15:21
I'm not sure i should be reading about people's experience - particularly bad ones - but i need advice on this because i'm starting to get nervous.

Today i have just been prescribed 10mg of Citalopram (one tablet per day). I've been taking Xanax (500mg - twice a day) for well over a year. I was comfortable with that, although i do know i've created a dependancy on it - but for how i feel it works perfectly. It is literally the only thing which gets me through the day. I'm happy with that until i figure out the formula for self-improvement!

Now, without my GP discussing it with me, he has prescribed the Citalopram - i cant get to the surgery easily so couldnt ask him what the new tablets will do for me. I've been told by the pharmacist that these ones will take a few weeks to kick in - so where does that leave me until they do? i have to just come off my current medication and wait for the new ones to work? and will they work in the same way that these ones do?

At the moment, if i'm feeling anxious or dizzy, i can just take a tablet and the effects are almost instant. Will these new ones do the same for me?

If you havent picked up on it yet... i'm pretty scared!


15-10-09, 12:51
I'm not sure i should be reading about people's experience - particularly bad ones - but i need advice on this because i'm starting to get nervous.

Today i have just been prescribed 10mg of Citalopram (one tablet per day). I've been taking Xanax (500mg - twice a day) for well over a year. I was comfortable with that, although i do know i've created a dependancy on it - but for how i feel it works perfectly. It is literally the only thing which gets me through the day. I'm happy with that until i figure out the formula for self-improvement!

Now, without my GP discussing it with me, he has prescribed the Citalopram - i cant get to the surgery easily so couldnt ask him what the new tablets will do for me. I've been told by the pharmacist that these ones will take a few weeks to kick in - so where does that leave me until they do? i have to just come off my current medication and wait for the new ones to work? and will they work in the same way that these ones do?

At the moment, if i'm feeling anxious or dizzy, i can just take a tablet and the effects are almost instant. Will these new ones do the same for me?

If you havent picked up on it yet... i'm pretty scared!


When I was pescribed Citalopram 18 months ago, I wasn't told that they take a few weeks to kick in. So when I went back to see my Doctor 4 weeks later, I told her that I was feeling great! Just goes to show, if you think something will work, it usually does.

16-10-09, 22:18
Im on 20mg citalopram and its a really great relief from my anxious feelings.

I was on 10mg for a year or so and again it helped greatly. Why upped the dose? Because I stopped it for a year, travelled to China, had a difficult holiday and returned a bit of a wreck, so like I said, just enjoying the relief for now!!