View Full Version : muscle/joint pain, fatigue, feeling weak

14-10-09, 11:19
been getting alot of joint pain started about 3 years ago in my foot/toes would come for a couple of days then dissappear, id get this maybe once every 2-3months but its slowly becoming more frequent and lately been getting it every couple of weeks and been getting a similer pain but in my achillies tendon, knee and finger (think the finger might be to much computer usage) and also a little pain in my back where my kidneys are not bad but uncomfortable, anyway been to the doctors and they say it might be gout so i gotta have a blood test to check, i think it probably is in my toe but my tendon and knee im not sure to to honest, anyway since my last bout of pain in my knee about 1 month ago i've been getting pain in my muscle's in my legs and over the past 2 weeks its got worse to the point where even the slightest strain (even walking up the stairs) makes my muscles go tight and i feel all weak and fatigued even in my arms too over the past couple of days, i got the doc's again this afternoon.

now i am a bit of a hypochondriac and most aches and pains i normally think are something worse what than they turn out to be, but this time i really feel like there is something wrong with me as i've never felt this way before had muscle pain but it normally goes after a day or 2, now i've read in the symptoms section that anxiety can cause muscle pain but is it like what i've got has anyone experienced this before ? i have been pretty unactive recently and spend most of my time curled up awkwardly on an office chair at the computer, could this be a controbuting factor ? i've been a bit stressed out recently but i dunno if its this thats stressing me or if its stress thats doing this to me ?????? it's doing my head in and i keep thinking i might have something wrong like M.E. or something :shrug: any comments advice would be greatly appriciated but please dont start telling me i could have this or that or cancer or im dying lol cos i'll freak out :roflmao:just want to know if this is common with anxiety really

many thanks Rob :yesyes:

14-10-09, 13:25
Blood tests will rule out anything ,other than anxiety .Im sure you are aware that lack of excercise is a contributing factor to tiredness and lack of energy .Anxiety does cause a lot of pains as it affects every part of the body ,via the nevous system .Your back pain sounds like a case of bad posture ,and it can cause referred pain in the legs ,ive suffered with this .If you do not keep your muscles and tendons in good shape by excercise they become weak and the slightest activity will cause pain .Im sure if you have gout the tablets they perscribe will help ,it does cause pain in the toes and there are certain foods and things you should avoid to also help flare ups .Sorry i cant be of much further help to put your mind at ease ,but the IT DOES SEEM that you are feeling like you are because of anxiety and a combo of lack of excercise and bad posture .Let us know hoe you get on .Luv sue x