View Full Version : feeling very odd today!!

14-10-09, 11:34
Hello all,
After a bad bout of HA lately, things have been good, the anxiety and panic as subsided some what, my relationship with my partner is back on track, and things have been generally ok.
But today i feel so odd!!! Its very hard to explain because i dont know how im feeling really. I just feel like im going either collapse, faint (i just dont know), i feel numb inside, my head feels as though its got a lot of pressure inside, if that makes sense, basically i feel like im half dead.
I suppose im fretting that i have something really wrong with me again. I was wondering if anybody else feels this way with their anxiety, and why after things were looking up do i feel like this?

Thank you in advance,
Debs x

14-10-09, 13:37
Hi Debs

I feel just as you describe when i'm having a real bad day with my anxiety, I sit down and do deep breathing exercises, they sometimes help.
Other times i try not to let it get a grip of me, once it has i have a panicy day all day but if you try to catch it in the bud before it takes over maybe you won't feel so bad.
Easier said than done but give it a go.:)

14-10-09, 17:30
Hi Mand, Nanny, thank you for replying,
I still very strange, i now have a headache behind my right eye and across my forehead, probably from all the worrying of why i feel so srange!!
But thank you for taking the time to reply.

Debs x

14-10-09, 19:37
Hi again Debs....I deleted my old reply because i realise it made no sense lol... I read your message wrong .. so sorry... im losing it today lol.

I have days like that too.. i guess many of us do... but when it's happening to you it's so hard to rationalise it isn't it? ...It's great that things are good in your relationship and that generally things are ok. Personally I find that sometimes when I actually start relaxing that is when the Anxiety seems to step up a notch. It's very strange. One of the things I do if i'm having a very anxious day is sing alot (much to my family's annoyance lol).. it stops me over breathing which is the main cause for many of the aches and pains and other symptoms that are induced by anxiety. The headache behind your eye could be caused by tension coming from your neck.. another thing that anxiety does to me regularly.
I sometimes think anxiety is a bit like an addiction and the only way to combat an addiction is to replace it with another one. If you can find any sort of focus.... maybe poetry writing... a good book... just anything you really enjoy and can get involved in it may distract you and hopefully things will improve.
I hope things pick up for you very soon.

Mand :)