View Full Version : Scared of death, and causes of it

14-10-09, 13:06
I have been having a really stressful time the last few weeks as all I seem to think about is something happening to me.I haven't been on here in months as I was really trying to battle my demons and doing ok after my anxiety started in January after the death of a loved one from cancer.At the moment my concerns are fluid on the lungs and an infection.bascically, I had an abscess on my tooth in february, I went to the dentist who said by the time I got there the abscess had drained and there was no immidiate infection, but I was so worried he prescribed me amoxicillin and Metronidazole to take together if the infection came back.I hate taking anything as I am scared I will have a reaction or something. Anyway, i know there is a slight infection there again(I need the tooth extracted or whats left of it) but its not sore or red or causing me any pain, just a bit of puss. I am not sure whether to take the antibiotics, probably just because I am scared and also because I have a major problem with swallowing tablets. I am tempted to ask if I can get them in liquid or powder format. Do I take them because its better to get rid of any infection just in case there is one there?The other thing lately has been my breathing, and now with this Stephen Gatley thing I am paranoid I may have fluid on my lungs. i just got over a cold but dont really have a cough. I am just experienceing problems taking a deep breath in sometimes and when I do take one the satisfaction i short lived! I yawn belch etc just to feel that there is some air there.Would one know if there was a major problem with fluid on the lungs? Has anyone experienced this? And if I go to the doctor and they ahve a listen to my lungs they would be able to get a sign if something wasnt right wouldnt they?I have an appointment next week, have not been to the doctors since february, which is good, and even back then I had blood tests that were clear ans she listened to my heart and lungs and said all was fine. But months down the line I still feel rubbish, mentally more than anything, my head feels dizzy sometimes because I am so worried about things. I usually sleep good but last night woke up for the first time....checking if I was still breathing.I feel so trapped at the moment and scared

14-10-09, 16:13
Hi there
Your symptoms generally sound like classic anxiety, possibly exacerbated by your recent cold, not surprising considering the loss of your loved one. It's good you're seeing your doctor soon as she will certainly be able to listen to your chest and put your mind at rest on that score, but it's important you also discuss your ongoing anxiety with her and make sure you're open about the things that are particularly bothering you. There are plenty of things she will be able to offer to help you out.

In the meantime, take care and chill out. :shades:

14-10-09, 16:15
Oh, and take the antibiotics. Like you, I'm not keen on taking medication unless I have to, but it really is important to get infections cleared up.

14-10-09, 19:58
Im exactly the same!!

Im new to this site, only joined yesterday.

My problem is mainly pains in my chest and palpitations. My uncle died in his sleep 15yrs ago and ever since ive been worried about dying in my sleep. I find i have alot of pain in my chest and anxiety which my doc said is muscular skeleto pain on the ribs. He told me if i could put my finger on it, it wasnt cardiac pain. Every day near enough i have a pain which sends me into massive panic and i feel i cant breath and am stressed out completely.

When Michael Jackson died this started worse and again now stephen gately died especially as he was my age and was sudden. I convince myself by thinking ive had ecg and echos and doc said its ok ect but this doesnt help because im so anxious all the time.

I was on seroxat for this but am coming off it at the mo which i think is making it worse. Was so glad that its not just me who is affected.

14-10-09, 20:15
Hi there. I am also like this (or was). I was constantly petrified of dying or catching something horrible, yet i would never take medication either. It always seemed to me to be a no win situation.
What helped me was admitting i needed help and eventually taking my medication. I'm not saying im cured but i do feel so much better. It does sound like anxiety and having the appointment at your docs is great. Try use the opportunity to tell her everything your feeling.
Take care big hugs

Kez xx

sarah jayne
14-10-09, 22:13
I know how you feel, i constantly worry about dying. I know it happens to everyone but it scares me so much. Ive had so many illnesses over the past few years that ive lost count and everytime i worry about dying, i just seem to be so unhealthy ! Im sorry i havent been much help but i just wanted you to know that your not on your own...x

15-10-09, 02:26
ive had the feeling of not being able to get enough air in too, I think thats just anxiety to be honest matey, excersise helps with that I find because your lungs have no choice but to fill up with air then, also it is an awesome weapon against depression, it is of course the motivation thats the hard part.

the phobia of death is called 'Thanatophobia' Just in case being able to label it helps you.

I hope it does


15-10-09, 13:12
thank you so much everyone for your comments.Its so hard because we know there are others out there who feel the same yet sometimes all this can make me feel like the lonliest person in the world.I dont want to worry my family and burden them.today my head really hurts, I can still function but I think me thinking about it is only making me worse.I want to get out of my own little world and joi the rest of the world. I feel like crying when I walk down the street and see people laughing etc and think to my self, I wish I could just be carefree and not full of stress right now

15-10-09, 15:30
the death of a loved one is a classic trigger for health anxiety. People have been telling me this for a year but only recently have I started to LISTEN to them.

Don't beat yourself up about, give yourself the time you need, but recognise what you are going through and recognise that your THOUGHTS are not necessarily CORRECT. It's the emotional side of your brain taking over

I am trying to use health anxiety as a spur to make some positive changes in my life - and also to come to terms with the fact that one day I WILL get ill and die. It's the human condition, and the death of a loved one brings it home to u

19-10-09, 16:33
is it possible then that subconsciously the death of my loved one has affected me? I know in the beginning it outwardly showed but (tears etc) now I am not so much like that but on days I think all is ok some symptom pops up and makes me terrified, it has been 9 months now and I am afraid of everything now!

19-10-09, 16:49
I think an experience of death can definitely trigger the fear. It started for me at age 6/7 after a couple of incidents. I have periods where I don't even think about it and periods where it's constantly on my mind and I can't understand why no one else around me doesn't feel the same. Prozac really helps keep the negative thoughts out though. Are you on medication Sammy?


19-10-09, 16:59
Laura, I havent gone down that route as yet. initially my doctor wanted to avoid that and took all my initial fears as a raction to my loss, the last time I went to the doctor was in February/March. I have just been getting on with things but I feel held back by my fears and I am not sure of the way forward now.I sometimes burst into tears when i feel everything is too much, I do this in my own company sometimes or in front of my husband occassionally when i really need to reach out for help and comfort.I think if I could get rid of these physical feelings I would be ok, as thats what bothers me, its like any physical pain or throb etc triggers my anxietywhat do I deal with first??I am going to the doctors on wednesday just to speak and raise my concerns and am also taking a list of all my symptoms

20-10-09, 17:32
Good Luck with your doctor tomorrow, I hope it goes well and he can suggest something that will make you feel better :)

Like you I tried just getting on with things but it creeps back unexpectedly and I know it's not going to do me any good if I don't tackle it so I'm currently waiting for a Psychiatrist appointment to come through.

Let us know how it goes.


20-10-09, 17:39
Hi Sammy,

I hope your doctor visit goes well. I can understand where you are coming from, a major source of my HA is from the fact that my sister died in front of me 3 years ago last month. I would definitely talk to your doctor about your symptoms and how you are feeling about your loss.

We are all here for support.

21-10-09, 11:32
SleeplessFog I am so sorry to hear that, I really hope you are doing ok.Thank you to everyone fro your comments, I have the doctors today. I am not really nervous just worried about if the doctor will be able to reassure me or not, I dont want to walk out there feeling back at square one again and feeling the need to make another appointment.The breathing thing is bugging me alot today, but I went to the gym last night and am fine exerting myself, no problems. Just when I can be something like just sitting on the sofa I feel myself gulp for air and then I panic, its bizarre.Had a few chest pains and underneath my rib cage hurts a bit and I wonder if this is from overbreathing, I could be straining my chest wall? Has the doctor ever told anyone this?

03-11-09, 20:15
I lost my mum coming up to 6 months ago, and everyday since i have felt the same as everyone here, by either heart attack or stroke ( mum had a ha but died of a stroke during a procedure) but i am going to die, I am a single mum of 2, my dad is also poorly so i look after him too so i just worry about what will happen if it should happen. i am overweight and although i have lost 3.5 stone since mum left us, i still need to lose more. I do have to say i have a brilliant best friend who listens to my cr*p pretty much everyday and my doc has been good too, i was determined not to take tablets.. i have failed to cope if i take them, but after making myself feel so rubbish i had to give them a try, i am less stressed and although i still sometimes have an attack i can honestly say its the best thing i could of done to help me cope. i am not saying they will help everyone but do think about it.
take care