View Full Version : Anyone ever feel like the doctors are wrong?

14-10-09, 13:38
Hi all,

Joined a couple of years back and decided not to look about as someone mentioned that if I read about it I will only get worse but I'm now at the point where I need to talk to others who understand.

I'm 24 now, had been renting a flat with my boyfriend for the past 6 months and realised it was so expensive that we weren't actually saving anything. We both decided to do the sensible thing and move back in with our own parents to save some money up for hopefully a deposit.

He lives about an hour from me now and I see him about 2 times a week. Really strange living apart. We used to live at my sisters together so we have been living together for 3 years before this so I was used to seeing him everyday.

Moved back in with my parents last Saturday and am kind of enjoying being back at home. It's a comfort thing. I like chilling with my mum and dad in the evenings plus having dinner cooked for me is lovely.

I have been a receptionist for the last 2 years and I love it. I am contracted part time. I do afternoon shifts from 1 - 5:30 but sometimes do morning work as overtime to cover. I might be getting a full time job soon as the reception is moving to a different location and will require 2 people on at the same time.

My anxiety has always been with me. The last 2 years I am so proud of myself for holding down my job, and enjoying it. I have good and bad days.

However since last Thursday my anxiety as been sky high. People say it's because of the move but I'm seriously not worried about it. Maybe it's a sub conscious thing? I am struggling to get through work everyday and even getting to the bus stop. Today I got on the bus and was in tears because I felt so bad. I'm scared I'm going back to square one and I really can't afford to lose my job. I've had time off already this year through illness.

I hate having to deal with this on my own but I also hate having people worry about me. I'm going to ring the doctors up this afternoon and make an appointment for tomorrow morning. I haven't been for ages as it's not been this bad for along time.

Sometimes I strongly believe it cant be anxiety. How can I feel this ill as soon as I get out of bed if it is anxiety? Do you ever feel the doctors are wrong and that there is something physical making you ill?

When I first started suffering I paid to get all sorts of tests done and the only thing they found was that I was anemic.

I've just totally had enough of struggling through every day. I'm at breaking point. I dont really get panic attacks, more like it being a constant thing and just gets worse sometimes. I feel ill all the time.

14-10-09, 17:57
Well the part of me that makes me feel ill and upset is depression. Prehaps you have depression too? Its not always a feeling sad emotion its a wierd feeling. But maybe thats something you need to talk to the doctors about?

Ive often felt like i dont have anxiety im just crazy and that im the one making the problems for myself but since taking citalopram ive been so much better.

Theres a difference between looking something up and talking to someone. We can relate to how you feel however if you look it up in google it comes up with all the answers you dont want to hear! Pm me if you need a chat, im in a bit of a rush so i cant give you as much of an answer as id like but i think i got my main points down for you:)

Also i think the move is subconciously effecting it because you may without realising it feel that your boyfriend was part of keeping it all together and now your not with him as often things might be subconciously be a bit harder to deal with alone etc.

14-10-09, 18:38
Well, its very common to feel your doctor is wrong if you have generalized anxiety disorder or health anxiety, because the anxiety can make you feel so very bad you get convinced something is wrong with you.

There is a small small chance that stuff like an over-active thyroid would make you feel on edge, but its likely to be due to mental / life event factors. Doesn't make it any less serious though, and its a good idea to see what psychological help you can get.

Anxiety places a huge strain on the body. I remember one week when I had a particularly bad problem in my personal life, I itched all week. Like crazy, like I was infested or something (I wasn't. It was from mental stress!). Another time, I lost a stone in a month and couldn't keep anything down. Anxiety again! And I didn't connect the itching to my problem, even, till later. Hindsight and all.

Chris 22
14-10-09, 19:12
I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel ill all the time and the anxiety feeling doesn't really dissapear. I have suffered from anxiety for 14 years on and off, mainly on I hasten to add though!. I'm 32 now and like yourself am going through a particularly hard time.

I have been to my DRS so many times over the years and to be fair I really do like my GP and trust him, however I understand when you say it can't just be down to anxiety. I went to a neurologist last Month and he did some tests and listened to my symptoms and summarised with being anxiety.

I am also receiving CBT at the moment and yet again my therapist is great and encourages me to do more its just so difficult when the anxiety is mostly always there. I have been off work from my role working at Lancashire County Council for 5 Months now and I really want to return but just dont know if I can cope?.

My medication is being reviewed next Month by a pychiatrist and I'm hoping he will give me the Miracle pill as I dont sem to have found any really efective medication as yet!.

I think Joellie is right Depression and GAD can make you feel ill all the time and even though I consider myself to be reasonably clever and having seen a neuro and getting CBT the doubt is always there. Its a double edged sword though because the anxiety is doubting its anxiety!.

14-10-09, 19:17
My partner moved out into his own flat just over 2 weeks ago (for reasons I won't bore you with) and we are still together as a couple. Although, like you, I felt fine with it the very next day i started getting constant palpatations which have continued for over two weeks. I think sometimes if you are an anxious person like I am, any change, however accepting you are of it can knock you off balance a bit and aggrevate the anxiety symptoms. Hopefully it will just be a case of adjusting and settling down into your new routine and you will start to feel better.

take care and enjoy being looked after a little at home with your family.. Mand :)

14-10-09, 20:28
On the note of change, I have a sort of fear of change and through my councelling sessions have decided that this fear is the root of my anxiety. I went through 9 major changes (this includes moving house 5 times, parents divorcing, family deaths and a shock remarriage from my mum) within the space of 4 years and all of a sudden, I get anxiety over the slightest changes. Ive recently changed jobs from being made redundant on my part time job and id been in the job almost 4 years and suddenly a month later anxiety and depression roar their angry head.

So talking to my counceller, through what my anxiety focusses on, it appears im so worried of things that COULD happen through change i get anxiety over it and try to cause it. Doesnt make much sence, but for example, Im worried about cheating on my boyfriend because my dad had an affair and when i get anxiety, i go into a cloud of doubt and was suddenly the anxiety was convincing me i had feelings for someone else when i know i didnt. So its trying to CAUSE my fear to happen when i know myself i wouldnt do it.

Maybe the change in your life has triggered something. Like you said about going home aswell maybe you feel subconciously less independant being back with your parents. Whenever i think of the facti now have to work every day of the week because of the new job i feel really sick because i wont get a day off just to spend with my boyfriend. Its worth thinking about, you can always find someone here or somewehre else to talk to if you need it.

27-10-09, 13:19
Thankyou for all your replies. Have read every one and they all help. :)

I'm still struggling day by day. Things have took a turn for the worse and I'm going to book a doctors appoiment. I need to do something about this.