View Full Version : I am confused confused over ptsd

14-10-09, 21:02
My partner of nearly 4 years commited suicide 8 months ago. I thought i was coping fine but obviously not as the doctor has told me that i have got P.T.S.D!! Which i dont fully understand if im honest.


14-10-09, 21:16
How very sad, i am so sorry to hear that.

PTSD can carry on for a long time if not dealt with, has your doctor suggested any help for you?

di xx

14-10-09, 23:26
Hi Dominique,
i am so sorry for what you went through. i am totally new to this forum so i'm sorry if i am overstepping the mark by replying - i don't really know :unsure:
How do you feel you are doing or have been doing over the last 8 months?
Just because someone has told you that you are PTSD, doesn't mean that you are not coping...and even if you are not "coping", that is nothing to be ashamed of. How do you feel? Is there any particular aspect that you don't understand about your diagnosis?
i can really empathise with your situation and i am in awe of your ability to talk about it...i am still too terrified...so thank you for making it ok.
Take care,

15-10-09, 00:05
Hi Diane and Beth,
I have only just gone back to the doctors over it as my moods where all over the place 1 min im fine the next im not i was like a yoyo as my friends would tell me. I feel as tho i have dealt with his death just not the way his death happened as he came to see me that night and was booking a holiday. I dont really know how i feel to be honest theres so much going on over it his daughter blames me but thats fine in a way coz its her dad after all but i just cant cope with the hassle im gettin i dont think its fair.
My doc sent me to a councillor but she asked me if i see him in front have me and have conversations with him???? which sort of threw me a little so i didnt go back. But shes refering me to somebody else now so i shall find out shortly who that will be but i am determined to stick to it.
Thanx for ure replies.:yesyes:

P.S BETH im new to this aswell its my first day. And its ok to talk about things i think it helps when it isnt some1 you personally know. :) x x

Dominique x

18-10-09, 07:45
Hi Dominique
So sorry to hear about your worries. I too have PTSD and have for a couple of years now. I think the most important thing you can do first is aknowledge that you have PTSD. It is not your fault you have it, you brain is simply having trouble making sense of what has happened. Think of it as having a bad case of flu, you don't ask to get the virus but you have to treat yourself to get rid of it!
Counsilling helps you to try and recognise the thoughts and feeeling you're having. I have realised that being angry or sad or anxious are all natural human feelings that everyone has from time to time. The difference is with PTSD it becomes hard to aknowledge or recognise these emotions and they then become more and more intense over time. ( I am no expert but this is my experience of it!)
If I can give you any advice it would be to ask for help. Don't suffer alone, I have for 20 years and I has done me no good. We are only human and need help now and again.

Good luck.