View Full Version : Headache and worrying.

14-10-09, 21:39
Sorry for yet another post already today!!
Ive got a headache, i know its just a headache, and im prone to headaches anyway but i dont know why but im really worrying about it. I dont know if its because ive had a bad day today with feeling off/weird/strange, but its really making me feel panicky.
It is behind my right eye, into my eyebrow and into my temple, its a deep achey one, just feels like i want to keep rubbing it, and my head all over feels of pressure, the top of my nose feels tight with a pressure also.
I just wondered if anyone else has had this sort of headache and if its normal? I just cant seem to programme my brain that its just a "headache".

Thank you for reading

Debs x

14-10-09, 21:44
Hi Debs, sorry to hear your still not feeling great, I can assure you Im still having these weird heads and the doc is happy its nothing serious, mines is also weird with funny pressure feelings on face etc x x

sarah jayne
14-10-09, 22:06
Hi, ive been having headaches every day for the last couple of months, they are like you describe. Theyve started to wear off a bit over the past week but i still feel awful. Have you tried heat around your neck or tiger balm ?
Sarah x

14-10-09, 22:14
Hi Sarah,
Ive had a heat pad round my neck for the last half hour, and ive had a nice hot bath, but it doesnt seem to want to shift.
I dont normally worry too much about headaches as such, but i suppose my anxiety levels have been high today so im worrying about it.
Hi Shaz, im sorry to hear your still not a 100%, my werid heads went completley, but now this headache has come on and its worrying me........anxiety is a right bugger!!!
Thank you for replying tho both of you, makes me feel a tad better knowing its probably nothing bad!!

Debs xx

15-10-09, 00:43
sorry to hear you having these headaches
ive been getting wierd headaches freaquently and it was really worrying. however ve just learnt tha accepting them has lessened the intensity of them and lessened my worry. they soon go..try it out may work for you :o

anx mum
15-10-09, 14:27
As u know i been getting bad heads for a few months now have got a little better but still there like sarah jayne said try tiger balm heat pad hot bath if u can afford it maybe a massage would help.

15-10-09, 22:10
Hi anx, Im lying here the now in bed with tiger balm on my head :-) having tingly feelings etc, was convinved it was muscular or whatever the doctor thinks however been busy and quite stressed the last day or two and as they are worse today Im thinking they could be tension headaches.......fed up though....hope you feeling better soon x

anx mum
15-10-09, 22:16
Hows ur head now that tiger bal weird isnt it?