View Full Version : Waves of tiredness...

Desprate Dan
14-10-09, 22:17
Does anyone suffer with severe waves of tiredness that just come over them???

When i am at work sometime i can barely keep my eyes open and fighting to stay awake, then i will get periods of energy were i feel like i have to do exercise and get up and move around a lot, then 20min late i will come over so tired again...

I dont feel this as much when i am off work but i have felt it when driving long distances, do you think its boredom which is causing the tiredness???

Just wondered if anyone else feels like this??


14-10-09, 22:54
i've always had this at work, probably just boring work.

Anxiety doesn't help tho, burning all that energy, u can't expect to not feel tired and it sux.

But really i just think it's crappy work, i haven't worked for last 3 months and haven't got as u so rightly put it "waves of tiredness" but i bet i will once i start working again.

Problem with anxiety is that u notice every bloody thing, even if it's normal... Drives me crazy.

15-10-09, 02:17
I remember on some of your previous posts you mentioned you get less than 4 hours sleep a night Dan, thats probably responsible buddy :weep:

Desprate Dan
16-10-09, 06:31
Dan, Yes that is true i get on average between 3-4 hours sleep a night, but i know i could do with more but "how do you make it happen" if your body wont let you??? I have spoken briefly to the Doc about this but i said i didn't really want to take medication because i have heard you can become dependent on it, and i know that i would, plus i work shifts so have to be on the road at 5.30am every other week so i guess it could be dangerous for me..

I just wish i could have a good nights sleep and wake up feeling refreshed "But does anyone feel that???" i can get by on the weekends when i am busy, its just at work these waves of tiredness come over me and i try my upmost to fight them and keep my eyes open, incase the boss see's me...
