View Full Version : i seriously cant be the only one?

15-10-09, 08:44
i overthink everything!

i can do one little thing like bang my head which other people would think nothing of and i will think about it allllll day. thinking i have bleeding on the brain or a damaged skull etc.

iv just got home from the doctors, opened the car door and banged my head on it and now im worrying.
god this is so annoying.

15-10-09, 09:55
welcome to HA... Crap isn't it?

I fell asleep last night on the sofa after a few too many beers hehe, i shouldn't drink cuz of my ibs but meh... Anyway woke up 3 hours later and the side of my left leg is weird, doesn't hurt but feels strange, probably slept on it funny but it's a worry that i would of shrugged off 4 months ago. Now i can't help thinking the whole "what if it's this or that"

15-10-09, 16:35
Join the club. It makes me feel really pathetic and I wish I could just get on with things instead of dwelling on my "problems".

15-10-09, 16:51
I know it's just an example of what you worry about but head injuries to the front of the head are rarely dangerous (the skull there is very strong).. its the really hard impacts to the back of your head and sometimes the side that you have to watch and even then we are normally talking about a really really big whack on a hard surface to cause even a potential problem. I worry when i bang my head too but i always figure if after an hour i'm ok then i'm ok and I let the worry go.

15-10-09, 17:37
Oh you're not alone!!! Sometimes I wish I could take my brain out of my skull and give everything a good wash!! Wash away all the negative thoughts and spiralling emotions and start again!!x

15-10-09, 20:21
One little pain in my body and the spiral of horrible thoughts start trying to guess what kind of deadly disease I have :(

Cell block H fan
16-10-09, 10:20
Not alone there, I elbowed the door frame a couple of weeks ago, & it still hurts if I touch it. Yesterday at work I was thinking, I wonder if when you bang a part of your body hard enough, it can turn into cancer. Its pathetic!

16-10-09, 14:27
Oh Hun you are so not alone! I no longer bend over - for fear of a brain bleed or triggering a nose bleed. If I bang my head - even just ever so slightly I am convinced it will lead to my death. I do not let anyone touch my head or face for fear of it triggering any sort of bleed in my head. And the saddest thing is that I am terrified when my child gives me a big kiss on the cheek (for example) or a huge child like squeezey hug and I find myself moving away as I am scared it will make me bleed in my head or face. This is something I feel awful about as my children are my world. HA is the biggest pain in the behind. It's ruining my life. So no you aren't alone!