View Full Version : Citalopram and PTS.

15-10-09, 09:21
Hi, i've been visiting this website for a few weeks now since i was put on citalopram and just find that reading other ppls experiences is helping greatly with coing with the side effects.

Basically what happened to trigger all this was, back in march, three men broke into my home with a machete, beat up and tied me and my friend up and then robbed the place. I am usually quite a strong natured person and thought at the time that i had not been effected by the robbery, i was out with my mates laughing and joking the next night.

But six months down the line, after coming back from travelling(which involved a LOT of drinking), i heard the date that the court case had been set for. Later on that night i had the first panic attack i had ever had, lasting about 3 hours that night and I could still feel the adrenaline all the next day.

I went to the doctors and he said it was probably alcohol withdrawl so i was put on a weeks course of valium which didnt help, i just felt like i was losing touch with reality which just made me more anxious.

The following week i went back to the doctors, told them about the robbery and was diagnosed with post traumatic stress and put on 10mg's of citalopram. The first day was brilliant but the second day was almost unbearable, had a panic attack that lasted for hours and i couldnt keep under control, after 2 weeks i felt quite a lot better but not 100% by a long way, so the doctor suggested upping the dosage, am now on day 3 of 20mg's and i feel better than i did on tuesday, i was feeling v v depressed and sad but still feel like nothing is real.

By this i mean, i keep doing stuff and forgetting ive done it, not completely but enough for me to question in my mind whether or not ive done it, kinda like living my life on autopilot.. Also i am constantly thinking inwards, ive been trying to focus on things to do which take my mind off things but find myself thinking about how im feeling atm.
Or looking around the room at normal everyday stuff and it just seeming really wierd.

Another thing thats worrying me is that, ive never had anything like this before and im finding it really hard to believe that it could have all been brought on by this robbery, really worried that im losing the plot.

Meant to be at university this week but have been putting it off for fear of having a panic attack in a lecture, have promised myself ill go in next week but really going to have to see how i feel.

Has anyone else with pts or ne thing similar ever taken citalopram and did they find it helped them ???

And does ne1 else feel like there losing the plot when starting citalopram??

Just really needed to get all this off my chest so really glad i found this site, hope its not just me that gets these feeling of unreality.

Cheers for ne feeback :)

15-10-09, 09:33
hi pheetuz,
Your symtoms sound very much like mine, i have pts after a motorbike crash..i to was ok for a while, infact i was on ahigh as i was alive..then one day i started to have a panic attack in a car and it has just got worse for that day on..i ended up on 60mg of citalapram and it helped for a while..i would go back and see your doc and explain how you feel. he may alter the dose , or try some other meds.every med takes a while for your body to adjust to it and citalapram is one of them..im on a drug for servre anxitey called stelazine and its starting to help..pts is a horrible thing and i hope you start to feel better soon.. ask the doc for some counciliing as that might help... samx

15-10-09, 10:08
Thx sam, nice to hear from someone thats going through a similar kind of thing, although i wish neither of us had to. Sorry to prise here but with your pts, does it feel like its related to the crash, i mean, did you know straight away that the panic attack was related for the crash or did you doctor suggest it once you had told him about it? Because as i said im finding it difficult to believe that all this is from the robbery, perhaps its because ive never had anything like this before but it still seems wierd.

Hope the stelazine works for you and you can get back to top form soon :)
