View Full Version : Permanent Visual Disturbances

15-10-09, 10:36
Hi all - does anyone have experience of visual disturbance all the time? It's like seeing a heat-haze, and everything I look at moves, even words on a page? Computers make it worse, as does certain light conditions. If I look at a blank wall, I see patterns, and shimmering, like a heat haze, and grainy. It's really weird!
Been to see a neurologist and they say I shouldn't use computers (not good in this day and age!) but their not sure what it is. All they said was that my brain has been over -fired up by using computers too much but they're not sure if it'll go away or not!

If anyone's had similar symptoms, please let me know!

15-10-09, 11:13
Hi Lisa

I had something very scimilar and i use computer for hours a day, i had to get my eyes tested and buy some glasses (very atractive) that are set up for the distance of my screen and reduce glare, they have certainly helped x

15-10-09, 13:02
Thanks Marc. Unfortunately, I tried glasses but didn't work for me. Did you have visual disturbances 24-7 before you got your glasses?


15-10-09, 13:04
yes pretty much

Still get them now and again after long pc sessions, verry annoying

15-10-09, 13:23
Yes anxiety caused me to have visual disturbances like yours, this is a symptom of anxiety, if you look on the left hand symptom section it explains it well.

I had what can be described as snow vision, seeing shapes, and my eyes seemed really sensitive to light. It really really freaked me out as i dont have the best eyes sight anyway.

I made an appointment with my optician who did every test possible on my eyes to ensure nothing else was causing this and my eyes turned out perfectly healthy. I got in such a state and cried before the test began i was terrified!! the optician explained to me that when you suffer from stress or anxiety the nerve endings around your eyes become more sensitive which causes these symptoms.

My eyes have been fine for a while but when i am very stressed and anxious the hazy vision comes back. Also Charles linden explained this in a you tube video regarding symptoms.

I would make an appointment with yor optician to be on the safe side and put your mind to rest :) x

Also to add i have been working on computers for 4 years, it was my anxiety that caused this not the computers, but that is also a factor to be considered.

15-10-09, 14:31
yep i get a very weird thing with my eyes started 2 years ago things like you've said and sometimes it feels like im not looking through my own eyes very bizzare and i cant explain it properly sometimes hazey like im looking through a very light mist or smoke, i've had my eyes checked and they're fine.

17-10-09, 10:49
Thanks all - that's been really helpful...especially about the anxiety side of things as I am an anxious person but the doctors don't seem to have made the connection! What's new!
Thank you x

17-10-09, 14:14
I have had the same thing since July also. It gets batter and worse, but its always there. I have visual snow, floaters, patterns on the wall. If i look at pattenrs they will move, and I cannot handle brightness. I've had every test, and my eyes are apparently fine. Im going to a neurologist on friday (basically the dr. caved) just to ease my mind. But it is VERY frustrating!

17-10-09, 16:08
Hi Ziggy95....I'd be interested to hear how you get on, as I saw a neurologist a couple of weeks ago, and he said he wasn't sure what it was but suggested that I'd not be able to work intensively with computers any more i.e. time to re-think career! He said it was the use of computers which had over-stimulated my brain so that is was sort of in overdrive all the time. He reckoned that no-one else will be able to tell me much more but has put me in for a brain scan to rule anything physical out, and then to see a further specialist in Sheffield, neither of which have come through yet.
Hope all goes well with your appointment. Let me know how you get on!
Have they suggested / tried you on any medication? I was on anti-migraine tablets, and then beta blockers but didn't do anything, and then they now want to try anti-epilepsy drugs but to me it feels they're grasping at straws!
Take care,

17-10-09, 16:34
Hi Lisa,

They said it could have to do with migraines (but I don't get the pain part). Im a visual artist, so i don't actually spend much time staring at a computer. And I dont have cable. SO, that rules that out. Ill let you know.


29-10-09, 15:10
Hi Ziggy - did you get any answers at your appointment? I've got an MRI scan tomorrow which is a bit scary! Hopefully they won't find anything dodgy! :0)

07-09-12, 19:39
Uhmm, computer causing visual snow? I noticed mine in 1989 or so and I got my first computer 10 years later. Sure, computer might make it worse...

10-11-13, 08:52
Hi, I know this thread is old but having found it and suffering from 24/7 visual disturbances myself, I had to register and share my story. I started getting eye problems about 2 years ago, not sure what caused it, maybe tablets or surgery near the head, but my eyes started burning and turning bloodshot swelling etc.. then eventually after about two years this settled, but now i get migraines and head pressure and light headedness and patterns in my central vision like black outlines of clouds that flow rapidly, its more visible in clear skies and surfaces. I was told theyre occular or visual migraines, something in the brain as my eyes are healthy? Its been stressful and confusing and i have floaters and am myopic with hypothyroidism. I wonder if trauma or inter cranial hypertension cause or at least increase the visual disturbances occurrence as seems likely.

So glad i found the thread and can see i'm not the only one dealing with these issues as i am not very sociable at the moment and avoid going out much.

25-12-15, 12:33
I'm new only just found the site
Kinda saved my sanity to be honest
Good to know I can relate to the same problems on here ☺