View Full Version : Questions re: palpitations & BP

15-10-09, 10:46
Hi all,

So for about the last month I been getting funny arythmias (heart rate over 100 - 130ish bpm's) I almost collapsed at City link train station with a heart rate of around 160bpm and i think it was higher too!

SO my questions are, how dangerous is a heart rate of 160bpm ??

Also, by blood pressure at the docs this morning was 134/91. Is that high or normal?

Ive been booked in for a blood test and another ecg at the docs so lets see, but any response to the above would help to re assure.

Thank you.

15-10-09, 15:29
Hi Peter,
Your Heart beating at 160bpm is not dangerous. When I exercise mine will sometimes go up to 170bpm.
Has this fast heart rate at rest just started or have you had episodes in the past? It may be worth getting a 24 or 48 hr holter monitor which I have had in the past.
Are you on any medication for your anxiety or fast heart rate? A calcium channel blocker or beta blocker would control the heart rate if you are getting episodes of tachycardia (heart rate over 100bpm). My cardiologist put me on a calcium one as he thought I was getting tachycardia but mine wasn't that. My heart rate is actually very slow at times like around 45bpm at rest.
Your BP isn't dangerously high. 134 is fine the 91 is slightly high but 1 reading is nothing to worry about. They like it to be below 140/90 but as a I say one reading is nothing to worry about. Sometimes mine is like 150/90something but then it can be 117/78 .....it needs to be constantly high over a long period before you're considered to have high BP.
Good luck with your tests.

15-10-09, 22:05
Hi Peter, mines is higher than yours, I have always had a tendency for it to go up, especially as I do worry and I get stressed going to the doctors, I am getting monitored the now by the docs and going back in two weeks..............I also get palpitations and I have suffered them on and off for many years..when they first started I did get the 24 hour monitor but I was fine....hope your feeling better soon x