View Full Version : What works for you?

15-10-09, 12:58
im really interested in finding what works for you in relieving panic attacks? i have been ok for a while now but the have got me by throat again, i wake up really tense and cant keep still. i feel frightened for no reason and feel sick and need the loo. is there a way i cant just accept its happening and not live in fear of another one? i didnt get out of bed this morning, therefore i feel even worse now, please help
i dont want to go down that road again
best wishes

15-10-09, 13:02
Singing (even if you can't) try it, make it loud and don't worry about the neighbours... it may sound silly but if you are singing loudly it's almost impossible if not impossible to overbreathe which is the cause of most of our anxiety/panic attack symptoms (to the best of my knowledge)... i actually joined a website called singsnap ( i hope its ok to put that here??) to make a hobby of singing and i'm sure it's helped .... shame about the constant sore throat though lol but that's life!

15-10-09, 13:08
Staying in bed is a definate No No!

Try and just let them happen (hard i know) but the more they scare you the more you will be scared of them (if that makes sense) good tip from mandyclare, also try reading, playing a computer game, or a hobby i pick up my guitar,

best of luck

15-10-09, 13:10
thanks guys, really need to nip this in the bud now!

15-10-09, 13:26
Try lots of different potential hobbies and when you find one that you really enjoy put your all into it.. will be a great focus and im sure it will help.

Feel better soon


15-10-09, 13:51
I am the worst reader of books, but reading books related to the whole subject of anxiety, panic, self belief, etc are VERY therapudic for me... its almost like I have an invisible shield. When I am really bad, I actually carry around my Claire Weekes book in my coat pocket... it has a crucifix / vampire effort with my anxiety levels... weird i know, but it works for me.
What else works for me - this site for starters! I get the same reassurance that I am not alone with my feelings.
Talking to a friend/family member. It is a hard thing to bring up, but I'm lucky I know a girl who suffers this and I confid in her.... she is getting the better of it and shares her knowledge. I chat with a family member and get great solice there.... so if you can CHAT! Even if you need to private message people on here, you will get support (that includes me if you are really stuck :D )

Keep on truckin!
The dude