View Full Version : Lump in Throat Panic

15-10-09, 14:02

I have had a feeling of a lump in my throat for over a year now. I have been to the doctors and she diagnosed GERD as I have terrible reflux too. Although I know what it is I am still convinced it is throat cancer.

Today I feel really wheezy too, when I take a deep breath I want to cough. So I am freaking out that it is throat and lung cancer.

I have never smoked, but spent 18 years in a smoky environment as both parents smoked and I am convinced this passive smoking will cause cancer.

My doctor says she is absolutely not worried but if I really want to she will refer me to have a camera down my throat. She says its not a nice procedure and does not think I really need it but if it puts my mind at rest I can have to done.

I just want this horrible feeling to go.

Thanks for reading. :)