View Full Version : Crackle in chest

15-10-09, 14:16
Hi All, for the past few months when ever i wake up and lie on my back i have a very weird feeling just below my breast on the right side. When i breath in it almost vibrates, or crackles its a very weird sensation that i can feel with my hand. It doesnt seem to do it in the day and lasts as long as im lying on my back. Does it sound like muscles? im v scared its lungs or something b xx

15-10-09, 14:22
maybe a trapped nerve??? or maybe its trapped wind even? i doubt it's anything to do with your lungs though.. hope it goes away soon.. sounds annoying.
Take care


15-10-09, 15:09
Tash do you get reflux? I get this and I think that its becuase the stomach acid comes up when you are lying and irritates the lining of the throat and esaughagus ( or however you spell it lol!) It goes away for me after i have gotten upright as well.

Just a thought


26-12-11, 05:54
Definitely this happen sometimes when you breath more they is some crack sound from inside and that looks something odd so have to visit to your doctor every time for that. You can simply visit the below link for the tips on cracking chest.